Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree Program Baking App Project
Main Technologies Used:
- Fragments for multiple layout support
- MVVM design pattern
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- Room database
- Retrofit API interface
- Exoplayer video playback
- Glide image loading and caching
- Constraint Layout
- CardView
- RecyclerView
- Shared Element Transitions
- Custom Layout Animations
Tablet functionality video preview on Youtube: https://youtu.be/sRH0Ywl2pgE
Widget Configuration Activity and widget on Home Screen
Project Overview You will productionize an app, taking it from a functional state to a production-ready state. This will involve finding and handling error cases, adding accessibility features, allowing for localization, adding a widget, and adding a library.
Why this Project? As a working Android developer, you often have to create and implement apps where you are responsible for designing and planning the steps you need to take to create a production-ready app. Unlike Popular Movies where we gave you an implementation guide, it will be up to you to figure things out for the Baking App.
What Will I Learn? In this project you will:
Use MediaPlayer/Exoplayer to display videos. Handle error cases in Android. Add a widget to your app experience. Leverage a third-party library in your app. Use Fragments to create a responsive design that works on phones and tablets. App Description Your task is to create a Android Baking App that will allow Udacity’s resident baker-in-chief, Miriam, to share her recipes with the world. You will create an app that will allow a user to select a recipe and see video-guided steps for how to complete it.
The recipe listing is located here. http://go.udacity.com/android-baking-app-json
The JSON file contains the recipes' instructions, ingredients, videos and images you will need to complete this project. Don’t assume that all steps of the recipe have a video. Some may have a video, an image, or no visual media at all.
One of the skills you will demonstrate in this project is how to handle unexpected input in your data -- professional developers often cannot expect polished JSON data when building an app.