Open simplE Python-based Windows Shell
A Windows 'shell' with its own simple syntax
Includes my pBTE custom text editor and my pySysBench CPU stability and benchmark tool
And if you write native windows commands "works".
Write # before the command and it will executed on the windows native cmd
Extra: if you type the name of an executable without the .exe, this shell will look for it and execute it with the commands provided via CLI
alpha v0.1.71.0
Minor revision
Includes third-party software: btop4windows (aristocratos), and speedtest
Requieres Python 3.12
UTF-8 support (requires the 'Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support' option in Windows Region Settings.)
Recomended to use with Windows Terminal, in the "import" directory there are a file named "WinTermADD.py" allowing you to install a profile in the Windows Terminal easily
Separators are "::", allowing to use all types of system accepted characters without limitation
Example copy test::Users\test2 from C:\ to D:\::E:\folder
and also you can use "from"/"in" to indicate where are the files/dir and "to" to indicate the destination
Using ";" like linux cli and when using ""+commands using "&"
loop variables
{separator}<varname>[operation(args)] command {text1<varname>text2}text3
it concatenates the output from the operation() with the separator
(if not specified, the default is "::") and combines each occurency with the text1 and text2
text3 is not affected because it isnt inside {}.
Current supported operations: ls, list, range, file
Example of use:
{\n}<var>[ls()] print {<var>}
Print every file inside the current path
Enviorment variables
$dir > refers to the actual directory
$ver > refers to the current version
$ + name > refers to the native enviorment variable from windows cmd
To run an file on the current dir you need to put .\ before the file name (you can use * and ? in the filename)
(+ su) starts command prompt as root
(+ command) runs command as root (NT authority System)
(+ su) starts command prompt as admin
(+ command) runs command as admin
sort(mode) file (in path)
Sorts by the mode the contents of the dir
Modes: mtime, ctime, size, alpha (alphabetical)
where file (in path)
prints when the file/dir was modified and created
Terminal based file manager (FL)
Terminal based performance monitor and task manager (btop4windows)
go dir (GO to dir)
Options back prev down
same as cd but only with absolute paths
go back
same as cd .. but you can use go back 4 that is the same as cd ..\..\..\..\
go prev
changes the path to the previous path
go down
It goes along the route backwards until you find the part with the same name as the argument
Example your are in C:\Users\test\Documents\folder\folder1\ and if you want to go directly to "test" you can use
go down test and the result path will be C:\Users\test\
extra: with "go .\" the actual path changes to the location of the terminal files
cd dir
go to upper directory
downdir dir
you can go to any directory in the current path by putting only its name
write -flush to file [some text \n and other line]
flush file
new name
creates a new empty file or directorory
to create a file: new filename
to create a dir: new dirname\
no name
deletes a file or directory
to delete a file: no filename
to delete a dir: no dirname\
read file
prints the content of the especified file
readn (No counter) disables the line counter
readc (Concatenate) like linux cat command
Important: -f can be used with -n or -c no -n -c at the same time
ls dir
dirtree dir
makes a tree of the subdirs in a especific dir
cal this year month x
year x this month
year x month x
prints a calendar with the arguments
prints the hour
copy and move
copy fich from path to path path2
rmov name from path to newname
moves ONE file to ONE destination EACH
like rmov 1 2 to 1 2
moves 1 to 1 and 2 to 2
edit file from path
edits the specified file with the nano editor
locate file/dir in path from
finds the specified file/dir in the path
locatenr (not recursive version)
from file in path find hello
finds the word hello in the specified file
link/links lnkname in path to file in path
creates a shorcut (link) or a symbolic link (links)
size file
prints the size of the file
clears the screen
starts the app (located on the C: program files folders)
prints the ip config
repairs the system
(sfc, dism.exe)
cli based task manager
clears the dns cache
kill proc
kills a process
opens a cli calculator interface or returns the result of the args
dskperf -read -write -mode -drive C
mode can be rand or seq
mp3 -file file.mp3
-pause -quit
whith no args:
"q" quit
"a" decrese
"s" increase
"w" pause/unpause
-vol 0-100
mp3 player
exits the program
cpu benchmark
cpu stress test
weather City
shows the weather for the city
su user
starts command prompt as a user especified
adduser -sudo username
add a user, whith -sudo the created user will have admin permisions
deluser username
deletes a user
changes file/dir permisions (ACL)
chmod [user1:r] for file ->
chmod set(optional) [username:permisions] for filename/folder
chown username for file
changes the owner of a file
lsacl file
list the acl for a file
eject disk
Unmounts the disc for safe extraction
print/printf text
prints in the terminal "text"
if printf, it will not use scaped chars like \r
prints the total/used/free physical memory