MultiAdmin 1.3.2 + ServerMod 1.7.2
It should feel a little smoother to use now :)
- Fix restartnextround crash
- restartnextround will work better with Smod version 1.7.2
- Server restarts now get new sessions
- Fix crash when too many messages are coming at once
- Decrease sleep time for input thread
- Fix inactivity shutdown
- Fix servermod version checker
- Add version checking, it will print a message to console if the game is not the expected version
- fix issue with NTF respawn
- modify config command to add CONFIG SET , you can change the value of any config setting until restart/reload.
- Make the game print a message when the round is about to restart. (for multiadmin)
- Add ban debug messages (enable with sm_debug)
- Add HID/HARDWAREID command, prints the players hardwareids (usage: HID <player/s>, leave it blank to print all)
1.7 missing change-log items:
- Add ENDROUND/END command to end the current round as if it was over
- Add DROPALL command to drop players items (usage: DROPALL <player/s>, leave it blank to drop for all players)
- Added various API's to use with smdev command/Smod2