Even the basics of image processing if done properly can be handy which otherwise would require a machine learning model.This project is one of such inspiration which cartoonizes images and videos using only core opencv filters and functions.It also uses K-means clustering algorithm to compress the image. This clustering gives it the basic cartoonish tinge it requires.
Algorithm- K_Means Clustering
Filters-Bialateral Filter, Contours, erode, Canny(edge detection)
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
Download a python interpeter preferable a version beyond 3.0. Install the prerequisute libraries given above. Run vid.py file to cartonify your webcamp feed. Uncomment the last 2 lines of cartoonize.py and run to cartoonify an image.
- python - The software used
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
The entire documentation and explanation of code as well as concepts can be found in this article: https://iot4beginners.com/cartoonize-reality-with-opencv-and-raspberry-pi/