MediaRemoteControl is a framework that can handle any media using the external controls (play, pause, skipInterval, seekInterval,etc..) from the remote control and control center.
You can use this framework when you want the user to use the external controls (remote control and control center) to manipulate the player (play,pause, etc..).
For instance: when the user is watching media in your app then the user locked the screen so he still can play the media through the external control. This is useful when the user want to play/pause his media from external controls that is shared with AirPlay without putting the app in the foreground.
github "ShadyGhalab/MediaRemoteControl" "1.2"
pod 'MediaRemoteControl', '0.1.1'
1- Enable the background modes for "audio, airplay and picture in picture"
2- Create your MediaItem.
3- Initialize the RemoteControlManager with your mediaItem.
4- Enjoy it 😎.
let mediaItem = MediaItem(withTitle: "Teacher", withDescription: "Play with his kids!",
withSeasonEpisodeNumbers: (1,5),
withDuration: (player?.currentItem?.asset.duration)!,
artwork: UIImage(named:"Default"), artworkSize: CGSize(width: 200, height: 200),
withBrand: "TV Land", skipInterval: 10)
let remoteControlManager = RemoteControlManager(with: mediaItem)
remoteControlManager?.didTapPlay = { [weak self] in
remoteControlManager?.didTapPause = { [weak self] in
remoteControlManager?.didTapSkipForward = { [weak self] skipForwardInterval in
self?.player?.seek(to: CMTimeAdd((self?.player?.currentTime())!, CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(skipForwardInterval, (self?.player?.currentTime().timescale)!)))
return (self?.player?.currentTime())!
remoteControlManager?.didTapSkipBackward = { [weak self] skipBackwardInterval in
self?.player?.seek(to: CMTimeSubtract((self?.player?.currentTime())!, CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(skipBackwardInterval, (self?.player?.currentTime().timescale)!)))
return (self?.player?.currentTime())!
remoteControlManager?.didPlaybackPositionChange = { [weak self] positionTime in
self?.player?.seek(to: CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(positionTime, 1000000))