Code and Art by Sean Halnon.
Examples are organized as separate branches.
This Repo contains a set of Vulkan API examples illustrating important fundumental usage scenarios. Other than simple triangle, each branch implements a model viewer using a different rendering strategy.
This project was created with a couple main goals in mind:
- Create one of the easiest to read piece of non-trivial vulkan code out there.
- Establish a commenting style that makes it easier to search for where specific vulkan parameters are initalized, and to simplify finding the relevant region of code when a validation error/warning is hit
// Example
VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo vertexInputStateCreateInfo =
/*..VkStructureType.............................sType.............................*/ VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PIPELINE_VERTEX_INPUT_STATE_CREATE_INFO,
/*..const.void*.................................pNext.............................*/ nullptr,
/*..VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateFlags.......flags.............................*/ 0, // Reserved for future use as of vulkan 1.3
/*..uint32_t....................................vertexBindingDescriptionCount.....*/ numVertexInputBindings,
/*..const.VkVertexInputBindingDescription*......pVertexBindingDescriptions........*/ pVertexInputBindingDescriptions,
/*..uint32_t....................................vertexAttributeDescriptionCount...*/ numVertexAttributes,
/*..const.VkVertexInputAttributeDescription*....pVertexAttributeDescriptions......*/ pInputAttributeDescriptions
- Use a predominately functional programming model to keep the callstack shallow and reduce the amount of cross rerferencing necessary to understand the purpsoe and intention behind a piece of code.
- Take advantage of subpasses for deferred rendering instead of a series of multiple renderpasses.
- Use the swapchain and Microsoft windowing system more directly, and avoid using libraries such as GLFW.
- Press arrow keys to rotate scene
- Press escape key to close application
- Windows
- Vulkan 1.3
- Vulkan SDK
This project uses cmake.
- Note that 3rd party libraries are automatically downloaded and linked via cmakes's FetchContent functionality at cmake configure time:
GIT_TAG efec5db081e3aad807d0731e172ac597f6a39447
GIT_TAG 45946ec01bc2f4678ba62c9151f3f916842e1fc5
GIT_TAG 5e9877395a6e20fb3f054e4e2a1a89f8d568a952
- Background is always black
- Clear color seems to be discarded when rendering using full screen quad in second subpass.
Future goals
- Futher limit number of resources.
- Use only 2 sets of swapchain image resources instead of creating as many sets of resources as their are available swapchain images. (assuming that number is > 2)
- There likely doesnt need to be as many staging buffer as there are. Creating a smaller number of staging buffers and structuring the code to reuse them would better.
- Add texuring support so that diffuse color GBUFFER images include data read from texutre reads rather than a static material specific color value.
- Add normal map support so that the surface normals GBUFFER Image can use based on more than per-triangle normal data.
- Address remaining @todo items
- Fix messed up normals present in the model file.