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Release Notes for SPFx Package Version 1.4.1

VesaJuvonen edited this page Feb 15, 2018 · 7 revisions

What is New in This Release

Node v8 (LTS) and npm v5 Support

Support of Node v8 (LTS) and npm v5 is now available in SPFx.

Issue reported here:

We have also updated the Set up your SharePoint Framework development environment article.

Other Relevant Fixes

Fixed issue in the generator that prevented activation of new versions of SPFx packages.

Symptoms - You deploy a new version of SharePoint Framework packages and you no longer see your web parts in web part picker.

Issue reported here:

Fix - To be able to fully successfully fix this issue, you will need to perform following steps in your SharePoint Online tenants.

  1. Remove all instances of existing SharePoint Framework solutions from site level
  2. Remove SharePoint Framework solution from app catalog
  3. Upload new SharePoint Framework solution built with 1.4.1 version to your app catalog
  4. Install SharePoint Framework solutions back to sites.

Notice that this issue is not happening for tenant-scoped SharePoint Framework solutions and it's not happening for SharePoint add-ins.

You might potentially take advantage of the SharePoint ALM APIs or SharePoint PnP PowerShell cmdlets for add-ins to automate this needed process.

New APIs

Following are new APIs available for preview usage within SharePoint Online. These are not meant to be used in production yet. Please let provide your findings and feedback using the Issue list at sp-dev-docs repository.


  • Initial beta release of AadHttpClient class
  • Initial beta release of AadTokenProvider class


  • Initial beta release of MSGraphClient class

You can find a tutorial for these new APIs from the Office SharePoint Development documentation.


AadHttpClient is used to perform REST calls against an Azure AD Application, for example 3rd party WebAPI hosted in Azure.

For communicating with SharePoint, use the SPHttpClient class instead. For communicating with Microsoft Graph, use the MSGraphClient class.

You can find more information on this new API from the Office SharePoint Development documentation.


MSGraphClient is used to perform REST calls against Microsoft Graph. The Microsoft Graph JavaScript client library is a lightweight wrapper around the Microsoft Graph API. This class allows developers to start making REST calls to MSGraph without needing to initialize the the MSGraph client library.

If a custom configuration is desired, the MSGraphClient api function needs to be provided with that custom configuration for every request.

You can find more information on this new API from the Office SharePoint Development documentation.

Notice that this API is replacing the previously released GraphHttpClient, which is now considered to be deprecated.


This class is an internal class used by AadHttpClient and MSGraphClient to obtain OAuth2 tokens from Azure AD. Although the class is currently marked as public, we are planning to change it as internal. For that reasons solutions should only rely on AadHttpClient and MSGraphClient classes.

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