a dotnet minimal api framework collection
//first add extension
using Sharkable
//for aot users please specify assemblies by youself and avoid code trim
[ScopedService] //inject class as a scoped service by the given attribute
public class Monitor : IMonitor
public void Show()
//map an endpoint and it works!
app.MapGet("/monitor",([FromServices]IMonitor monitor) =>
create a new class
public class TestEndpoint : ISharkEndpoint
public void AddRoutes(IEndpointRouteBuilder app)
app.MapGet("show", ()=>"test result");
//will now generate a http get method with the url
// api/test/show
create a new class
public class TestEndpoint
[SharkMethod("show", SharkHttpMethod.GET)]
public void Show()
//will now generate a http get method with the url
// api/test/show
for more use sample please see Sharkable.Sample project