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VSCode vim bindings and settings for productivity


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VSCode Settings

... and keybindings made for productivity

A VSCode config using Vim motions, based on MelkeyDev's vscode_bindings with a few personal adjustments.



Backup current settings and keybindings (optional)
cp ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json.bak
cp ~/.config/Code/User/keybindings.json ~/.config/Code/User/keybindings.json.bak
Clone the repository and remove unnecessary files
rm ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json ~/.config/Code/User/keybindings.json
git clone ~/.config/Code/User
rm ~/.config/Code/User/ ~/.config/Code/User/LICENSE


Backup current settings and keybindings (optional)
cp ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/settings.json ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/settings.json.bak
cp ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/keybindings.json ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/keybindings.json.bak
Clone the repository and remove unnecessary files
rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/settings.json ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/keybindings.json
git clone ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User
rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/ ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/LICENSE

Windows (Command prompt):

Backup current settings and keybindings (optional)
copy "%APPDATA%\Code\User\settings.json" "%APPDATA%\Code\User\settings.json.bak"
copy "%APPDATA%\Code\User\keybindings.json" "%APPDATA%\Code\User\keybindings.json.bak"
Clone the repository and remove unnecessary files
git clone %APPDATA%\Code\User\
del "%APPDATA%\Code\User\" "%APPDATA%\Code\User\LICENSE"

User Settings

  • Format on Save (editor.formatOnSave): Automatically formats the code when you save a file.

  • Suggest Insert Mode (editor.suggest.insertMode): Replaces the text with the selected suggestion from IntelliSense instead of just inserting it.

  • Terminal Font Family (terminal.integrated.fontFamily): Specifies the font family for the integrated terminal as "FiraCode Nerd Font".

  • Linked Editing (editor.linkedEditing): Enables linked editing of HTML and XML tags, where typing a tag name automatically updates the matching closing tag.

  • Update Imports on File Move (javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled): Automatically updates import paths when a JavaScript or TypeScript file is moved or renamed.

  • Zoom Level (window.zoomLevel): Adjusts the overall zoom level of the editor's interface to 1.5.

  • Launch Configuration (launch): Placeholder for launch configurations, currently empty.

  • JSON Settings ([json]): Placeholder for JSON-specific settings, currently empty.

  • Minimap (editor.minimap.enabled): Disables the minimap, the small overview of the code on the right side of the editor.

  • Breadcrumbs (breadcrumbs.enabled): Disables breadcrumbs, the navigation aid at the top of the editor that shows the file path.

  • Icon Theme (workbench.iconTheme): Sets the icon theme to "material-icon-theme".

  • Show Release Notes (update.showReleaseNotes): Disables the automatic display of release notes after updating.

  • Zen Mode Line Numbers (zenMode.hideLineNumbers): Keeps line numbers visible even in Zen Mode.

  • Vim: Use System Clipboard (vim.useSystemClipboard): Enables using the system clipboard with Vim commands.

  • Vim: Leader Key (vim.leader): Sets the Vim leader key to the spacebar.

  • Vim: Highlight Search (vim.hlsearch): Highlights search results when using Vim search.

Vim Normal Mode Keybindings

  • Switch Buffers (<S-h>, <S-l>): Shift + H switches to the previous buffer; Shift + L switches to the next buffer.

  • Splits (leader + v, leader + s): Leader + v opens a vertical split; Leader + s opens a horizontal split.

  • Pane Navigation (leader + h/j/k/l): Leader + h/j/k/l navigates to the left, down, up, and right panes, respectively.

  • File Management (leader + w/q/x): Leader + w saves the current file; Leader + q quits; Leader + x saves and quits.

  • Markers Navigation ([d, ]d): [d jumps to the previous marker; ]d jumps to the next marker.

  • Quick Fix and Format (leader + c/a, leader + f/p): Leader + c + a opens quick fixes; Leader + f opens Quick Open; Leader + p formats the document.

  • Preview Definition (g + h): g + h shows a hover with the definition of the symbol under the cursor.

Vim Visual Mode Keybindings

  • Indentation (<, >): < outdents and > indents selected lines while staying in visual mode.

  • Move Lines (J, K): J moves selected lines down; K moves them up.

  • Toggle Comment (leader + c): Leader + c toggles comments for the selected lines.


  • Auto Update Go Tools (go.toolsManagement.autoUpdate): Automatically updates Go tools as needed.

Workbench Settings

  • Activity Bar Location (workbench.activityBar.location): Hides the activity bar on the left side of the window.

  • Color Theme (workbench.colorTheme): Sets the color theme to "One Dark Pro Darker".

  • Editor Font Family (editor.fontFamily): Sets the editor's font family to "FiraCode Nerd Font".



Keybinding Description
Ctrl + P Opens the Quick Open dialog to quickly navigate between files.
Ctrl + Shift + A Switches focus to the next terminal instance when a terminal is active.
Ctrl + Shift + B Switches focus to the previous terminal instance when a terminal is active.
Ctrl + Shift + J Toggles the visibility of the bottom panel (e.g., terminal, problems, output).
Ctrl + Shift + N Creates a new terminal instance when a terminal is active.
Ctrl + Shift + W Closes the active terminal instance when a terminal is focused.

File Tree

Keybinding Description
Ctrl + E Opens the file explorer when the sidebar is hidden.
Ctrl + E Focuses the file explorer when the sidebar is visible but the explorer is not focused.
Ctrl + E Focuses the file explorer when it’s open but not focused.
Ctrl + E Closes the sidebar when the file explorer is focused.
N Creates a new file in the file explorer when it is focused, and no input field is active.
R Renames the selected file in the file explorer when it is focused, and no input field is active.
Shift + N Creates a new folder in the file explorer when it is focused.
D Deletes the selected file in the file explorer when it is focused, and no input field is active.


Keybinding Description
Ctrl + Shift + 5 Matches the corresponding opening or closing tag in the editor (Emmet command).
Ctrl + Z Toggles Zen Mode, which hides the activity bar, status bar, and sidebars for a distraction-free coding environment.


MacOS users may want to review their default bindings and update them accordingly due to different role of CMD and Ctrl buttons in OSX systems