Online food ordering service.
This is the Java CS course final term project.
The application is written in Java
and is based on JavaFX
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- JavaFX 10.0.0
- Java 10.0.01
Simply clone the project into a directory
The project uses JFoenix
library as well.
After downloading the library from JFoenix official site, add the library to the project.
To run the Client
Java -jar PotadoShack.jar -h <HOST> -p <PORT>
To run the Server
Java -jar PotadoShack.jar -s -key <SECRET_KEY> -p <PORT>
Start the server instead of client -
--port <PORT>
-p <PORT>
Set the port to connect / listen to.defualt:25552
--host <HOST>
-h <HOST>
Set the host address to connect to.default:'localhost'
--key <KEY>
--secret-key <KEY>
Set the secret key used for hashing -
--accept-amount <COUNT>
--thread-pool-size <COUNT>
Sets the amount of clients server can handel at the same time.default:20
- JavaFx - The ui framework used
- ❤ Love ❤ - Aminer
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Amin Jafari - Initial work - AminerZ
This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3
License - see the LICENSE file for details.