Modem converts binary files into 600baud Kansas city standard audio transmissions. This can then be recorded onto a cassette tape for storage. Demodulate then turns a transmission back into a binary file. A bit of a higher fidelity tape recorder is required to avoid attenuation. An algorithm is used to compensate for loss of samples which I will add a description of later.
#Demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrDbnvUK76s
need libsndfile (available at: http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/ )
simply run make in your terminal
if no makefile is present, or you prefer a different compiler, run:
[cc] modulate.c -o modulate -std=gnu11 -lm -lsndfile && [cc] demodulate.c -o demodulate -std=gnu11 -lm -lsndfile
where [cc] is your compiler (gcc, clang, etc.)
- Download C compiler (recommend MinGW)
- Download libsndfile
- Move sndfile.h from /libsndfile/inc -> /MinGW/inc/
- move sndfile-1.lib from /libsndfile/lib -> /MinGW/lib
- move sndfile-1.dll from /libsndFile/bin -> Project folder (should already be included)
open cmd set path to MinGW\bin folder:
path = [path to MinGW\bin]
(this should be c:\MinGW\bin\ by default)
change directory to /modem/win32binaries/
run make.bat
- use brew to install libsndfile -> brew install libsndfile
- run make
modulate [input file] [output file].wav
input file is any file.
output file is a signed 16 bit pcm 44100 sample rate wav file
demodulate [input file].wav [output file]
input file is a wave file that follows the standard created by modulate
output file is the name of the binary output file as constructed from input file