PM> Install-Package Shuttle.Esb.Sql.Idempotence
Contains a sql-based IIdempotenceService
Currently only the System.Data.SqlClient
and Microsoft.Data.SqlClient
provider names are supported but this can easily be extended. Feel free to give it a bash and please send a pull request if you do go this route. You are welcome to create an issue and assistance will be provided where able.
services.AddDataAccess(builder =>
builder.AddConnectionString("shuttle", "System.Data.SqlClient",
"server=.;database=shuttle;user id=sa;password=Pass!000");
services.AddServiceBus(builder => {
builder.Options.Idempotence.ConnectionStringName = "shuttle";
And the JSON configuration structure:
"Shuttle": {
"ServiceBus": {
"Idempotence": {
"ConnectionStringName": "connection-string-name"