This is a project that has various examples of how you can use kubernetes to run containers in a docker registry in a cloud provider. The examples are mostly pitched on data science and machine learning however, some don't meet that categorization.
├── data-science-workflows - data science related projects with data loaders, plots, Application programming Interfaces.
│ ├── - Explanation of the different use cases an data driven application (dataloader + plotter) & an API.
│ ├── workflow3-data-driven-app
│ │ ├── dataloader
│ │ │ ├── deployments.yaml
│ │ │ ├── Dockerfile
│ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ ├── Makefile
│ │ │ ├── mylib
│ │ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ │ └──
│ │ │ ├── Pipfile
│ │ │ ├── Pipfile.lock
│ │ │ └──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └── timeseries_plot
│ │ ├── deployments.yaml
│ │ ├── Dockerfile
│ │ ├── Makefile
│ │ ├── mylib
│ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ ├──
│ │ ├── Pipfile
│ │ ├── Pipfile.lock
│ │ └──
│ └── workflow4-data-science-api
│ ├──
│ ├── deployments.yml
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ ├── iris-fit-k-nearest-neighbors-pickle-model.ipynb
│ ├── iris_knn_model.pkl
│ ├── Makefile
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── requirements.txt
│ ├── service.yaml
│ └── test_api_endpoint.ipynb
├── - a summary of how its done of digital ocean.
├── kubernetes-scheduling - example where you run a cronjob every 5 minutes: Here a job that does a dot product on multidimensional arrays made with numpy.
│ ├── deployments.yaml - manifest file that specifies instructions that will be given to the kubernetes cluster. It is a cron job meaning that it will run after a certain interval.
│ ├── Dockerfile - a file that runs the whole application.
│ ├── - Python script that records the timestamp before the dot product is run and wait for a few minutes and stops.
│ ├── Pipfile - contains the requirements of the project as well as the python version.
│ ├── Pipfile.lock - Just freezes the requirements for the project.
│ └── - Summary of what the project is about and how to run it.
├── LICENSE - CC0-1.0 license
├── ping-app - a simple flask application that prints out pong if you run a CURL request.
│ ├── deployments.yaml - manifest file that specifies instructions that will be given to the kubernetes cluster.
│ ├── Dockerfile - a file that packages and runs the application like a zip file.
│ ├── - python file that defines the Flask application and associated methods.
│ ├── Pipfile - contains the requirements of the project as well as the python version.
│ ├── Pipfile.lock - Just freezes the requirements for the project.
│ └── service.yaml - manifest that is passed to the k8s cluster to expose the application to the internet via an IP and host.
└── - the file you are reading.
You can make these containers made smaller to run more with your limited capacity on digital ocean. Will explore that in the future. Enjoy!