A Simple Bash Script to Stream/Download TV-Series and Movies. 🥷🏽
- curl
- mpv
- jq
- fzf
sudo cp streamo /usr/bin/
sudo curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sidmaz666/streamo/main/streamo" -O > /usr/bin/streamo
streamo ["search-query"]
streamo "mr robot" , streamo mr robot
The script scrapes from Fmovies.
Download Directory : $HOME/Video/Streamo
Use Rofi instead, change the MENU Variable.
MENU="rofi -show -dmenu -theme gruvbox-dark -i"
Example Rofi Wrapper Script (Useful when using streamo with a keybinding).
#!/bin/bash QUERY="$(rofi -show -dmenu -p "Search " -theme dmenu)" [[ -z "$QUERY" ]] && exit /usr/bin/streamo $QUERY
There are no flags associated with the script even the -h or --help flags are not available.