A small library to define functions that run on a cron schedule using fs2-cron. Using redis to create a lock per job preventing the job from running on multiple instances at the same time.
Add https://dl.bintray.com/signalpath/scala
to your list of
maven resolvers and then add the following to your build.sbt.
libraryDependencies += "com.signalpath" %% "sp-cron" % "1.0"
Running cron jobs is as simple as creating a Runner and passing
it JobDefinitions. The following example defines a single job
which prints the time every minute. The example assumes that
defines a connection to redis. See the
LockingWorker section for implementing a LockingWorker.
val lock = new RedisLockingWorker(redis)
val runner = new Runner(lock)
val jobs = Seq(
cronExpression = "0 * * ? * * ",
name = "clock",
job = IO({ println(LocalDateTime.now()) }),
ttl = 45
Likely, a job will have side effects involving futures. Because
the JobDescription expects an IO[Unit]
the future will either
need to be resolved, through an Await for example, or by being
converted to an IO. A future can be converted to an IO with
Catbird with, rerunnableToIO(Rerunnable.fromFuture(F))
, where
F is the Twitter Future.
The LockingWorker trait must be implemented and provided to the Runner. LockingWorker expects implementations of 4 redis functions:
- setNx: to set a key only if it doesn't exist. A UUID is generated for each instantiation of the runner which is set as the key value.
- expire: to expire the key based on the job's ttl
- get: to get the value of the key
- eval: which is used by threads that do not secure the log to verify a ttl is set on the key. It does this by calling ttl on the key and calling expire if no ttl is set.
An example implementation using Finatra and Catbird is provided below.
class RedisLockingWorker(redis: RedisClient) extends LockingWorker {
val keyPrefix = "cron:namespace:"
override def setNx(key: String, value: String): IO[Boolean] =
redis.setNx(keyPrefix + key, value).map(b => Boolean.unbox(b))
override def expire(key: String, ttl: Long): IO[Boolean] =
redis.expire(keyPrefix + key, ttl).map(b => Boolean.unbox(b))
override def get(key: String): IO[String] =
redis.get(keyPrefix + key).map(buf => optBufToStr(buf))
override def eval(script: String, key: String, ttl: Long): IO[Boolean] =
redis.eval(script, Seq(keyPrefix + key), Seq(ttl.toString)).map(_ => true)
def optBufToStr(b: Option[Buf]): String = Utf8.unapply(b.get).get
implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ExecutionContext.global)
implicit def futureToIO[A](f: Future[A]): IO[A] = rerunnableToIO(Rerunnable.fromFuture(f))
implicit def strToBuf(s: String): Buf = Utf8.apply(s)
implicit def seqStrToSeqBuf(strings: Seq[String]): Seq[Buf] = strings.map(strToBuf)
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