View profiler data outside the project you recorded it.
To see debug output in another place, you can redirect the dump output to a dump server.
But to see more profiler data outside the app it was recorded in, this app can be used. Or to see output logged in APP_ENV=prod.
Set PROFILER_VIEWER_PROFILER_PATH in .env.local (or as real environment
variable) to the path you want to see.
Example: PROFILER_VIEWER_PROFILER_PATH=/mendia/from_your_system/project/var/cache/prod/profiler/
Serve the app (symfony local:serve --no-tls --allow-http --daemon --port=8765
or any method you like).
Navigate to the page http://your-app-base-url:8765/pview/. Use the profiler as usual.
When the data can not be displayed and you get an error message, then follow [the instruction about missing classes](#Missing Classes).
select the version matching to your app:
master: symfony 5 sy4: symfony 4.4 sy3: symfony 3.4
git clone --single-branch --branch master ssh:// profiler-viewer cd ./profiler-viewer composer install
Copy the missing classes into profiler-viewer/external_src/
with the full
namespace. So the class App\Some\Data.class
is copied to
. To find out which class is
missing, run bin/console profiler-viewer:check-classes some/project/var/cache/prod/profiler/02/b1/18b102
to see the classes missing for profile 18b102 (path is
last two chars
/previews two chars
/profile id
This may happen when you have classes in your app implementing the interface Serializable. This should rarely happen in new symfony versions because the DataCollectors were improved.
In complex cases, use the bundle simon-heimberg/profiler-viewer-bundle directly in your app (only in dev mode, and with proper firewall).