Falcon Programmer is an open source batch configuration application for the UVI Falcon software synthesizer. Multiple types of configuration change can be implemented in thousands of Falcon programs with a single batch run, taking seconds to minutes.
There is currently an installer only for Windows. However, the source code should run on macOS; and a macOS installer will be provided as soon as a collaborator can be found to create one.
· Restore the program to an original version, ready for the configuration changes to be made.
· Initialise the program's Info page layout with many options, including converting a script-based layout to the standard layout.
· Assign MIDI CC numbers to macros and, provided the program uses the standard Info page layout, optionally append each macro's MIDI CC number to its display name.
· Remove arpeggiators and sequencing script processors and then, provided the program has a standard Info page, remove any macros that consequently no longer modulate anything.
Bypass (disable) all known delay effects and then, provided the program uses the standard Info page layout, remove any macro that no longer modulates any enabled effects.
· If a Release macro is not part of a set of four ADSR macros and the macro is not modulated by the mod wheel, set its initial value to zero.
· Set the values of known reverb macros, with some exceptions, to zero.
· Move release and reverb macros that have zero values to the end of the standard Info page layout.
· Where feasible, replace all modulations by the modulation wheel with modulations by a new 'Wheel' macro on the standard Info page layout.
· If the modulation wheel's modulations have been reassigned to a Wheel macro (the previous task), reuse MIDI CC 1 (the mod wheel) for a subsequent macro, where feasible.
· Prepend a line indicating the program's path (sound bank\category\program name) to the program's description, which is viewable in Falcon when the Info page's i button is clicked.
Of these configuration tasks, assigning MIDI CC numbers to macros will be of use to many Falcon players. And restoring the program to an original version is just a safety feature to facilitate subsequent transformation. The remainder are merely what the developer has found useful as a Falcon player. Many more configuration tasks are surely possible. Users of the application are welcome to suggest some!
For comprehensive documentation, please refer to the manual. For the version history, see the release notes.
I especially need a collaborator to give the application some basic testing on a Mac create and create the macOS installer. For this particular role, you don't necessarily need experience of the C# programming language. But you will need to compile the program, run the unit tests and follow some macOS-specific instructions to create the installer. I only have Windows computers and experience, but I will help where I can. For details, please refer to the CONTRIBUTING file.
Simon O'Rorke