Repository for SimpleOres2
Created by AleXndrTheGr8st, maintained by Sinhika, 1.15.2 port by Paint_Ninja.
Forge 1.15.2 port enabled thanks to Cadiboo's LGPL-licensed example code that he made free to all to borrow, in the hopes of encouraging good coding practices in Forge mods. I hope I did a good job with it.
Thanks also to Paint_Ninja for doing the initial 1.15.2 port, which encourages me to get back to tackling all the messy issues involved in porting these mods up from 1.12.2
- Tin (old: size 7, count 20, height 20-90)
- casseterite (aluvial/placer deposits, granitic intrusions)
(new: triangle, size 7, count 20, common, center 64 (44-84);
uniform, size 7, count 10, common, height 0-72 - stannite & others (hydrothermal veins)
(deepslate: large tin vein, size ?, count 1?, rare?, height -40 - 0)
- casseterite (aluvial/placer deposits, granitic intrusions)
- Mythril (old: size 4, count 8, height 1-35)
- tantalum: granitic intrusions, placer deposits
- Adamantium (old: size 4, count 4, height 1-20)
- Onyx (old: size 4, count 5, height 8-64 Nether)
- Ore distribution is controlled by datapacks. Never in the config file again.
- port to 1.21.1
- Implement graphical configuration from the menu...when Forge re-implements it.
- what are trims? Add them.
- Moar buckets!
- update or move the SimpleOres, etc. wiki - in progress.
This mod is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
This mod is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this source code. If not, see