This is a program made for the ESPMega PLCs for easily programming light show and running light show script
- User Interface for configuring controller
- Light Grid Generator
- Easy Clickable Light Programming
- Dynamic Physical Light Configuration
- Custom Script using Python
- BPM Counter
- Quick Load Preset
- For Windows, run the following command in a powershell windows with admin rights
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
- Ubuntu Linux
bash <(curl -s
- macOS
bash <(curl -s
- The program can be run from the CLI using the command:
python -m espmega_lightshow
- The program can also be run from the desktop/startmenu shortcut after installation.
This template script can be used to program custom lightshow
from espmega_lightshow.scripting import UserScript
class CustomUserScript (UserScript):
def draw_frame(self, current_time: float):
# This function is called every frame
# You can use self.rows and self.columns to get the number of rows and columns
# You can use self.set_tile_state(row, column, state) to set the state of a light at row, column
# You can use self.get_tile_state(row, column) to get the state of a light at row, column
# You can use current_time to get the current time elapsed in seconds
# You can use self.frame_count to get the number of frames that have passed
The script can be run by going to File → Run Script