Firebase Analytics iOS Plugin for Godot
Clone this repository and it's submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules
To generate Godot headers you need to run compilation command inside godot submodule directory.
run pod install. CocoaPods
pod install
Building a .a library
./scripts/ 3.5
Copy a.library and gdip file to Godot plugin directory
cp bin/release/firebase-analytics/firebase-analytics.*.a $GODOT_HOME/ios/plugins/firebase-analytics/bin/
cp firebase-analytics.gdip $GODOT_HOME/ios/plugins/
Export iOS project by Godot. then you need to use CocoaPods in Xcode. Add the following to your Podfile if it does not exist, create a new one.
pod 'Firebase/Analytics'
run pod install.
pod install
Finaly, Your GoogleService-Info.plist to Xcode.
Method to initialize Firebase.
- configure()
Calling plugin in Godot
if Engine.has_singleton("FirebaseAnalytics"):
var firebase = Engine.get_singleton("FirebaseAnalytics")