AWS EC2 Ubuntu Server 64 bit
Launch new instance, set security group at allow TCP and http connections
Dowload the pem file
Use puttygen to convert pem to .ppk
To SSH from putty:
Host name : Replace (PUBLIC IP) by the publis IP
ubuntu@(PUBLIC IP) Port 22 SSH
Connection->SSH->Auth->upload private key file for uthentication (.ppk)
Site manager
Host public ip, port blank
Protocol SFTP
Logon type : Normal
user: ubuntu
password: blank
edit->settings->sftp add the ppk key file
SSH into instance
Install GCC and MAKE
sudo apt-get install make
sudo apt-get install gcc
Install Erlang:
sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install erlang
Install JAVA:
java -version
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install default-jdk
Install Scala:
sudo apt-get install scala
Install Spark:
sudo apt-get install git
Next, go to and download a pre-built for Hadoop 2.7 version of Spark (preferably Spark 2.0 or later).
Then download the .tgz file and remember where you save it on your computer.
tar xvf spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz
Check Spark installation :
cd spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz
cd bin
Install MongoDB:
Install NodeJS, ExpressJS and NPM:
Sudo apt-get update
Sudo apt-get install nodejs
Sudo apt-get install npm
Npm install ejs --save
Install kafka:
tar -xzf kafka_2.11-
cd kafka_2.11-
If there are problems with java heap:
vi bin/
replace -Xmx256M -Xms128M
vi bin/
replace -Xmx256M -Xms128M
Build emqtt broker
- clone emq-relx project
git clone
- Add DEPS of our custom plugin ( in the makefile
cd emq-relx
vi Makefile
DEPS += emqttd_kafka_bridge
Add line:
dep_emqttd_kafka_bridge = git master
- Add plugin in relx.config
cd emq-relx
vi relx.config
Add the line:
{emqttd_kafka_bridge, load},
- Build
cd emq-relx
Note: You will have to edit the configurations of the bridge to set the kafka IP address and port.
cd emq-relx/deps/emqttd_kafka_bridge/etc
vi emqttd_kafka_bridge.config
{emqttd_kafka_bridge, [{values, [
%%edit this to address and port on which kafka is running
{bootstrap_broker, {"", 9092} },
%% partition strategies can be strict_round_robin or random
{partition_strategy, strict_round_robin},
%% Change the topic to produce to kafka. Default topic is "Kafka". It is on this topic that the messages will be sent from the broker to a kafka consumer
{kafka_producer_topic, <<"kafka">>}
Start the emqttd broker:
cd emq-relx/_rel/emqttd
./bin/emqttd start
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emqttd_kafka_bridge
Start Kafka Server
cd kafka_2.11-
- Start the zookeeper either in the background or in a new terminal
nohup bin/ config/ &
New Terminal
bin/ config/
- Start the kafka server either in the background or in a new terminal
nohup bin/ config/ &
New Terminal
bin/ config/
To test whether the messages coming from MQTT are reaching kafka:
Use eclipse paho(or any other MQTT client) for connecting to your emqttd broker.
Broker URI : tcp://ipaddress_of_running_broker:1883
Connect and subscribe to a topic. Publish a message using that topic and see if it is received.
If received, the emqttd broker along with the bridge is up and running. -
Start a kafka consumer:
bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic kafka
Set --topic as "kafka". Note that this should be same as that set in the emqttd_kafka_bridge.config file.
- First check if kafka has started without issues by producing messages locally
Start a producer in a different terminal from the consumer and produce to topic "kafka":
bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic kafka
send a message from producer and see if received by consumer. If it is, kafka is working properly
- Send a message on a random topic from eclipse Paho which was connected in the first step.
The folling should be received by the kafka consumer :
{"topic":"yourtopic", "message":[yourmessage]}
This is the format in which kafka will receive the MQTT messages
Once Kafka and MQTT is set, the mongoDB schema can be loaded by reloading the MongGo dump provided.
Note the MongoDB version as it will decide the version of MongoDB libraries used in MEAN stack app and Spark application.
Start the Mongo service and check if the Mongo dump has been loaded and accessible.
Tested version of MongoDB 3.4.1 while development.
Mongo dump has been provided in the ‘Mongo DB’ folder submitted
sudo service mongod start
Monitoring connection status of devices
Add Plugin (emqttd_mongodb_plugin) for monitoring status of IoT devices.
All devices connecting to the broker need to have a client id of the form -
HomeAutomation/Kitchen/Light -
Create a mongoDB database "thingsDB"
Insert in collection "HomeAutomation" the following document:
{_id:"Kitchen/Light", "connected":0}
Insert 0 because initially the device is not connected
Install Plugin:
Add DEPS of our custom made plugin ( in the makefile
vi emq-relx/Makefile DEPS += emqttd_mongodb_plugin dep_emqttd_kafka_bridge = git master
Add plugin in relx.config
vi emq-relx/relx.config {emqttd_mongodb_plugin, load},
cd emq-relx && make
Test the plugin:
When a client (say HomeAutomation/Kitchen/Light) connects via MQTT,
the corresponding document in the "thingsDB" in the corresponding collection "HomeAutomation" will get updated to :
{_id:"Kitchen/Light", "connected":1, "timestap":24-07-2017 20:34:37}
The purpose of timestamp:
- If connected is 0, then timestamp tells the last seen of the device
- If connected is 1, then timestamp tells the time since which the device is online
Authentication, ACL with MongoDB
./bin/emqttd_ctl plugins load emq_auth_mongo
- Create database "mqtt" and two collections
use mqtt
- In mqtt_user, store usernames and passwords
username: "user",
password: "password hash",
is_superuser: boolean (true, false)
- In mqtt_acl, store the restrictions of publish and subscribe
username: "username",
publish: ["topic1", "topic2", ...],
subscribe: ["subtop1", "subtop2", ...],
pubsub: ["topic/#", "topic1", ...]
- create an admin that can pubsub to all topics
db.mqtt_user.insert({username: "admin", password: "password hash", is_superuser: true})
db.mqtt_acl.insert({username: "admin", pubsub: ["#"]})
Start new project by
express --ejs
package.json contains all the dependencies for the project
Install the dependencies using command inside the app directory:
npm install
Download the code using
git clone
Folders content:
bin: Contains www file which runs the server
public: Contains files and folders accessible throughout the project for rendering
_routes: Files which interact with DB and fetches the data for webpages dynamically
_views: The UI part of the webpage
_App.js: main file for the project, which handles all the requests made to the app; and redirects the
Run the server by executing the following command.
node www
Change the IP address of MongoDB in the codes as applicable.
Download the necessary libraries to compile the Spark application.
Save the mentioned jar files in the ‘jars’ folder of Apache Spark installation.
The jar versions mentioned above have been tested while development.
Clone our Spark Streaming repository
git clone
Run the Spark application using the following commands (In the same folder as the Scala file)
The following commands are for Spark installed at location “/home/ubuntu/spark”
scalac *.scala -classpath "/home/ubuntu/spark/jars/*”
jar -cvf Iot.jar in/skylinelabs/spark/*.class /home/ubuntu/spark/jars/*
spark-submit --class in.skylinelabs.spark.IoT --master local Iot.jar
Change the IP address corresponding to Kafka, MongoDB, MQTT broker as applicable.
To test the platform, use Eclipse paho or our Client SDKs available at:
Apache License Version 2.0