📦 Features
In this release we introduced various improvements for relevance and UX (#2886) :
Boost on "spans" (aka boost on beginning of the fields)
We introduced a mechanism allowing to boost results that contains the search terms in the beginning of their values.
This feature is disabled by default and has to be enabled in the Elasticsuite > Relevance Configuration > Span Match Configuration.
Then it must be enabled on the targeted attributes (most of time, "name" will be the only targeted).
Eg :
- without this feature, customers are searching for "laptop" but in result page they view first "Bag for laptop","Cleaning set for laptop"
- with this feature enabled on "name" attribute : the products having a name beginning with "Laptop" will have an higher score
Allow to disable "norms"
By default with Elasticsearch, the score of a given field depends on the field length. You can now disable this on attribute level, in Stores > Attributes > Product > Attribute Edit page > Storefront properties > Advanced Elasticsuite Configuration > Disable norms : Yes
Eg :
- with norms enabled (default behavior) on the "name" field, a customer search for "dress", a product named "red dress" will have an higher score than a product named "red dress with long sleeves" (for the "name" field).
- with norms disabled : these 2 products will have the same score for the "name" field.
Attribute configuration screen refactoring
Due to huge number of parameters in the Stores > Attributes > Product > Attribute Edit page > Storefront properties we decided to split the search related configurations into three different fieldsets :
- Search configuration
- Layered navigation configuration
- Advanced Elasticsuite configuration
🐛 Fixes
- Fix cron error "Deprecation functionality: creation of dynamic property" by @Shiriaev in #2875
- Prevent thesaurus to apply on a query that already contains the expan… by @romainruaud in #2883
- Fix #2862, add 'category_uid' to the aggregation in the GraphQl response by @vahonc in #2884
- Enhanced reference fields (sku) matching when fuzzy searching by @rbayet in #2881
- Fix #2873, DateTime exception for ElasticSuite Indices by @vahonc in #2885
- Fix numerical-only synonims by @udovicic in #2894
- Feature #2882, allow to choose 'score_mode' and 'boost_mode' for optimizers from admin by @vahonc in #2889
- Fix setup when using table prefix by @romainruaud in #2902
- Relevance improvement by @romainruaud in #2886
- Remove erratic plugin of Magento_InventoryCatalog by @romainruaud in #2903
- Fix #2892 Optimizer schema by @romainruaud in #2904
- Refactoring the Attribute configuration options. by @romainruaud in #2905
- Refactoring the thesaurus wordings. by @romainruaud in #2906
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.11.0...2.11.1