Krita VFX v0.1.0
This is the first real release of the VFX plugin! There's plenty of changes to come (see the readme), but I hope you enjoy the features included already!
- Chromatic Aberration - simulates color distortion from lenses
- Bloom - recreates an effect to fake HDR exposure used in video games
- Pseudo Lens Flare - a fake lens flare effect simulating overexposure in a camera
- Anamorphic Lens Flare - fakes a different kind of cinematic lens flare seen as streaks across the screen
EDIT (12/4/2021): Moved libraries to the correct location in pre-made .zip file
To install, simply unpack the attached inside of your Krita Resource/pykrita directory and enable the VFX plugin. If you have 32 bit Krita installed, or are using a system other than Windows, Mac, or Ubuntu, you may need to compile the C libraries yourself, see readme