ArchI0 : ArchLinux Applications Automatic Installation Script
ArchI0 2.2 is OUT! ,check The release notes to see what is NEW.
Install scripts can be super useful for rapid deployment of custom systems , So this script is meant to help users install their favourite applications on a fresh install of ArchLinux , Saving time to use it. On this script I added the most-used/frequent softwares used by the Archlinux Community. (Thanks to the KAAIS script developer)
git clone && cd ArchI0
chmod +x ./
- Applications :
I got the Applications from {Archlinux ALL APPLICATIONS List } { Gnome Applications} {KDE Applications } { XFCE Applications } , I added the most used applications after checking the dailyused apps Archlinux users like.
- Installation :
You can install 20 apps using yaourt ( from AUR ) and 70 using pacman ( total of 90 )
- Achicheck function :
To enable the multilib repositories on the pacman.conf file , so you can run 32 bit applications on your x86_64 system ( wine , skype .... )
- Installing the script :
To use ArchI0 from terminal directly with the command 'ArchI0'
- Executing as ROOT :
The script need's the root privileges to install and make the updates for the softwares
- This script ?
As an ArchLinux user . I got lot of problems and difficults on installing programs and tools on my first time using ArchLinux , so why not making a life-easier tool for the Archlinux users <3 .
Sofiane Hamlaoui – Facebook:Sifo Hamlaoui –
Distributed under the GPL-3.0 license. See LICENSE
for more information.
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