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SohamSPB edited this page Sep 20, 2017 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the File-Modification-Detector wiki!


  • Directly excecute script in terminal in folder you want to monitor
  • Some functions require sudo


  • This program is currently under development. Provides no guarantee. You are responsible for safety of your own data.
  • Do not compare large md5sums text files(currently working on it)
  • Rename function renames batch files (beta)
    (Always backup before performing this operation
    Use proper syntax)


  1. Generates list of md5sums
  2. Recursive mode
    multiple recursive
  3. File/folder exclude mode
    multiple exclude
  4. graphical mode
  5. colored output
  6. logging
  7. batch rename
    1. prefix
    2. midfix
    3. suffix
    4. by date time
  8. comparison of last two md5sums
    1. shows modified files
    2. deleted/new files

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