Take me to the cloud before you could take me to the moon
- HA: EC2 instances are spreaded into all 3 Availability Zones in Sydney region, managed by ASG
- Secure:
- restricts SSH 22 port to separate
access only
- restricts SSH 22 port to separate
- Acknowledged:
- cloudwatch log integrated
- Easily reproducible. Most infrastructure are coded as templates, which allows it to be recreated as a separate stack with minimal reconfiguration (to
) - Idempotent. The use of Cloudformation helps with this property
- Ease of deployment. Code for both application and infrastructre is automatically deployed through Travis machine user, once pushed to master branch.
- Simplicity. The Sinatra app is packaged in Docker image which comes with all unnecessary dependencies installed in a minimal operating system. Plus, the docker image has been size-optimised by containing only binaries for installed dependencies. (Temporary files for installation have been disgarded during Docker image build)
To create a CI user in AWS account with codeDeploy permission, locally run following after authenticated to AWS:
bin/deploy_cfn cfn iam dev dev
Then please go to AWS console, manually create AccessKey. And note the key ID and secret. This is an one-off task , so simplicity overcomes repeatability. Then follow instructions
locally run following after authenticated to AWS:
bin/deploy_cfn cfn vpc dev dev
The above script will create a VPC containing 3 public subnets, 3 private subnets accoss 3 AZ, as well EIP, RouteTables, and NAT
Note: Infrastructure as code is a good idea but it doesn't mean to put every thing into build pipeline. Because the pipeline is there to save human operators from tedious tasks such as repetitive operations to implement incremental changes. Hence some foundational tasks that are both rarely-happened and high-risk should be excluded from repeating pipelines. So that no mistake could be easily made to infrastruture due to a bad code commit. Examples include: vpc,secrets,and hosted zone etc
- prerequisite: VPC stack is created.
- manully create keypair
under AwsConsole/EC2. This action will downloade a filesinatra.pem
to your default Download directory, for instance~/Downloads
- run
chmod 400 ~/Downloads/sinatra.pem
- run
ssh-add ~/Downloads/sinatra.pem
- configure cfn/bastion/params/dev.yaml to your CIDR range. It has been locked down to the CIDR rage
- run
bin/deploy_cfn cfn bastion dev dev
to create CFN stack for bastion - scale up the bastion ASG to 1
- find public IP of the bastion instance
ssh -A ec2-user@<the-bastion-ip>
Note: Please ensure Bastion instance count is 0 after use, also there is a scheduled action that will scale off the Bastion ASG by 6pm everyday for security reason( to prevent cases that operators forgot to do so )
bin/deploy_cfn cfn ecr dev dev
- chosen ami:
. It is a standard free tier AMI that optimised for ECS bin/deploy_cfn cfn app dev dev
- Above script will create ASG for the EC2 instances accross all 3 AZ for high availability purpose, as well as ELB that will do healh checks on instances
https://dev.sinatra.midu.click is the current URL for the Sinatra website
Domain midu.click
is an upstream domain hosted on AWS, and it is in a separate account/hostzone to
Sinatra's one.
Operator needs to:
- create a hostzone
at their AWS Route53. - Apply for hostzone delegation. Send the 4 name servers' address to adminstrator of
to create a NS record in the hostzone - Wait until the NS record is ready in
. Rundig sinatra.midu.click
should resolve to name servers of current hostzone. - run
bin/deploy_cfn dns dev dev
. This will create a CNAME record pointing to ELB DNS.
It is designed to use ACM to provision TLS certificate which to be hosted on the ELB. There are 2 steps to do so:
- apply ACM cert with DNS validate method. running script
bin/create_dns_with_cert dev
will ensure a required temporary CNAME record to be created for DNS validateion purpose, and deleted after it is finished. - add a new Load Balancer Listener to current ELB, in order to enable TLS connection. Simply run
bin/add_lb_listeners dev
. The script will locate existing ACM cert ARN and ELB, and attach it to the new ELB listener.
- When the build pipeline is running, none of the Cloudformation stacks should be in
- Permissions given to the CI user could be narrowed down. It has been given full-access to many types of resources.
- EC2 instance type could be further refined to provide a more suitable and cheaper option.
- The way docker image version get passed into EC2 instance could be simpler.
- Param setup for Cloudformation templates forces me to repeat myself again and again, and it contains uncessary params otherwise it would complain. It could be swapped out entirely with other template engines such as Gomplate.