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In this project, you can see information about countries. I made it using NextJS, ReactJS, Redux, Redux-Thunk, Axios, Tailwind. Designs are from Frontend Mentor.

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REST Countries API with color theme switcher

This is a solution to the REST Countries API with color theme switcher challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

This project is in ADVANCED category.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • See all countries from the API on the homepage
  • Search for a country using an input field
  • Filter countries by region
  • Click on a country to see more detailed information on a separate page
  • Click through to the border countries on the detail page
  • Toggle the color scheme between light and dark mode

This project is responsive at screens from Desktop (1440px) to Mobile S (320px).


Snapshot at screen width 1440px > Home page with some country cards in light theme.

Snapshot at screen width 1040px > Using search bar, find the India card, it shows 2 countries which has "india" in their name. You can also see dropdown menu. Theme is dark.

Snapshot at screen width 1040px > Detail page of India in the dark theme. You can see basic information about India like population, region, capital, currency and more.

Also, you can see neighbor countries name inside buttons. If you click them, you can see detail page on clicked country.

You can find more snapshots in design folder. Original designs are also there in that folder.


If you want to pull the project code, you can do it from above source code.

After that, First, run the development server by typing >

npm run dev

You will see a link in localhost, like "http:// localhost:3000", open it with your browser to see the result.

My process

As I don't have figma file of design. So the dimensions and spacing is based on my judgement. My project may/ may not be same as the design. So please kind with me on that criteria. 🤖🤖

Built with

  • React - JS library
  • create-next-app - For Project development
  • Next.js - React framework
  • Redux JS - State Management
  • Redux Thunk - Middleware for side-effect (API)
  • Axios - Promise Based HTTP client
  • Tailwind CSS - CSS framework for Utility Based classes
  • headless UI - For Dropdown Menu
  • Fontawesome Icon - For Icons
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • Vercel - For deployment

What I learned

  • This is my first NextJS project. Not just NextJS, I work with some other tech stack first time. Below is the list of my first-time tech stack-

    • NextJS
    • App Router > Static rendering (SSG)
    • Redux JS
    • Redux Thunk
    • Axios
  • I used a User interface component library, headless UI tocreate more advanced and accessible filter dropdowns, such as multi-select for regions, with search and custom styling capabilities.

  • Optimization Techniques I learned and used-

    • generateStaticParams: For static rendering, SSG(Static Site Generation), to pre-renders dynamic routes as static pages at build time to improve performance and SEO.
    • Debouncing: For search input to reduce the number of API calls triggered by user input, reduce load on server.
    • CSS Tailwind Optimization: Using Tailwind CSS for utility-first styling and minimizing CSS bundle size.
    • object based fontawesome icons: By using object based method of individual import, I import only required icons not the whole library which reduces bundle size.

Continued development

As this is big project, there is a scope for further development-

  • Home page is taking some time to load. Need to minimise it by some optimization.
  • After search, there should be an option to go back to home page.
  • Home page render all country card at once. Need to reduce it to save initial rendering load.
  • Different optimization techniques > Lazy-loading, Memoization, caching, fuse.js etc.
  • Back to top button
  • Internationalization for languages
  • If needed > central API calls
  • If needed > Data visualization libraries for different data like population, languages, number of neighbors etc.

Also, your feedback and suggestions are welcome. 🤗 🙏🏻

Useful resources


Basant Soni 👨‍💻


Appreciation for the person who is managing REST Country API. Without that API, this project is not possible. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

This is the Link to REST Country API.


In this project, you can see information about countries. I made it using NextJS, ReactJS, Redux, Redux-Thunk, Axios, Tailwind. Designs are from Frontend Mentor.







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