based on lfang-salk/Batch-processing-toolkit
##Split RGB channels
ImageJ/FIJI macro for bulk splitting glTF metalicRoughness.pngs back into their respective Metallic, Roughness and Ambient Occlusion maps.
Input - RGB metallicRoughness.png images saved in one folder.
Output - Splitted single channel images saved in three folders, each of which contains images of one single channel.
The maps are distributed assuming Red = AO, Green = Rougness, Blue = Metallic.
- go to
- pick a distribution (Fiji is the newest as of now)
- unzip the portable application into a folder (not Program Files)
- Put all your images in one folder.
- Simply drag and drop the .ijm file into ImageJ/FIJI.
- Click "Run".
- When the dialog window pops up, select the folder where you put all your images as the target directory.
- Then you are done! Check the splitted single channel images in different folders that were just automatically created!