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SpecFlowPlus and AppVeyor

Stephen McCafferty edited this page May 24, 2018 · 9 revisions

Note: General information on AppVeyor can be found here.

To configure your AppVeyor build process to execute your test using SpecFlow+ Runner:

  1. Create a new appveyor.yml file or open your existing file.
  2. Add the following before_build section to restore the NuGet packages:
    - appveyor DownloadFile
    - appveyor DownloadFile
    - nuget-restore MyProject.sln

Replace MyProject.sln with the full path to your solution, relative to the location of the appveyor.yml file.
3. Add the following test_script section to execute the tests and generate the test output for AppVeyor:

    - ps: vstest.console /logger:Appveyor "AssemblyPath\MyAssembly.dll" /TestAdapterPath:"PackagesPath\packages"

Replace AssemblyPath with the path to your assembly and replace MyAssembly.dll with the name of your assembly.
Replace PackagesPath with the path to the packages folder of your solution.
4. Save appveyor.yml and use the file to build your application with AppVeyor.

A sample project is available here.

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