An offset of the Batpu2 assembler written in Rust with a multitude of useful additions/features.
Define reusable code blocks that can be inserted into your code with arguments
%macro WRITE_CHAR char
ldi r1 $char
ldi r2 247
str r2 r1 0
You can also define macro's that can take infinite argument's
%macro PUSH regs +
%for reg in $regs
STR r14 $reg
INC r14
Conditional ASM allows you to include or exclude certain code blocks if a user defined condition is met
define DEBUG 1
define LOG_LEVEL 0
%if LOG_LEVEL == 1
%elifdef DEBUG
add r1 r2 r3
%ifdef DEBUG
%elif LOG_LEVEL == 1
add r1 r2 r3
For loops allows you to reuse code in a loop
ldi r1 clear_chars_buffer
str r1 r0
ldi r1 write_char
%for c in "Hello!"
ldi r2 $c
str r1 r2
ldi r1 buffer_chars
str r1 r0
You can also use multiple values in a for loop
%for val in 1 2 3 0xff
ldi r1 $val
The include files feature allows you to import another file into your code.
%include "abc.asm"
cal .abc123
Compile time arithmatic allows you to perform arithmatic on compile time known values (constants, registers with known values, memory slots with known values, etc.)
define a 1
ldi r1 a + a
ldi r2 $reg r1 + a
str r1 r2 0
ldi r3 $mem $reg r1
- Add standard library 🟡
- Register templating 🟢
- Add warnings 🟡
- Optimizer 🔴
Please create an issue for any suggested features.
assembler-plus input_file_path output_file_path [meta_file_path]
The meta file is only used by the vm and is therefore optional.
cargo build --release
Windows Defender detects asm+ as a Trojan. I will also inform you that it is the only AV to do so and is most likely do to we are not buying a program license. This program is completely safe.
I could not have finished this project, or gotten nearly as many features complete without him!