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Merge pull request #4 from SpikeInterface/consolidate-datasets
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h-mayorquin authored May 2, 2024
2 parents 7843acd + 26b15e2 commit 2066383
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Showing 3 changed files with 319 additions and 0 deletions.
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions python/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
import boto3
import pandas as pd
import zarr
import numpy as np

from spikeinterface.core import Templates

HYBRID_BUCKET = "spikeinterface-template-database"

def list_bucket_objects(
bucket: str,
boto_client: boto3.client,
prefix: str = "",
include_substrings: str | list[str] | None = None,
skip_substrings: str | list[str] | None = None,
# get all objects for session from s3
paginator = boto_client.get_paginator("list_objects_v2")
pages = paginator.paginate(Prefix=prefix, Bucket=bucket)
keys = []

if include_substrings is not None:
if isinstance(include_substrings, str):
include_substrings = [include_substrings]
if skip_substrings is not None:
if isinstance(skip_substrings, str):
skip_substrings = [skip_substrings]

for page in pages:
for item in page.get("Contents", []):
key = item["Key"]
if include_substrings is None and skip_substrings is None:
if skip_substrings is not None:
if any([s in key for s in skip_substrings]):
if include_substrings is not None:
if all([s in key for s in include_substrings]):
return keys

def consolidate_datasets():
### Find datasets and create dataframe with consolidated data
bc = boto3.client("s3")

# Each dataset is stored in a zarr folder, so we look for the .zattrs files
exclude_substrings = ["test_templates"] if SKIP_TEST else None
keys = list_bucket_objects(
HYBRID_BUCKET, boto_client=bc, include_substrings=".zattrs", exclude_substrings=exclude_substrings
datasets = [k.split("/")[0] for k in keys]

templates_df = pd.DataFrame(
columns=["dataset", "template_index", "best_channel_id", "brain_area", "depth", "amplitude"]

# Loop over datasets and extract relevant information
for dataset in datasets:
print(f"Processing dataset {dataset}")
zarr_path = f"s3://{HYBRID_BUCKET}/{dataset}"
zarr_group = zarr.open_consolidated(zarr_path, storage_options=dict(anon=True))

templates = Templates.from_zarr_group(zarr_group)

num_units = templates.num_units
dataset_list = [dataset] * num_units
template_idxs = np.arange(num_units)
best_channel_idxs = zarr_group.get("best_channels", None)
brain_areas = zarr_group.get("brain_area", None)
channel_depths = templates.get_channel_locations()[:, 1]

depths = np.zeros(num_units)
amps = np.zeros(num_units)

if best_channel_idxs is not None:
best_channel_idxs = best_channel_idxs[:]
for i, best_channel_idx in enumerate(best_channel_idxs):
depths[i] = channel_depths[best_channel_idx]
amps[i] = np.ptp(templates.templates_array[i, :, best_channel_idx])
depths = np.nan
amps = np.nan
best_channels = ["unknwown"] * num_units
if brain_areas is not None:
brain_areas = brain_areas[:]
brain_areas = ["unknwown"] * num_units
new_entry = pd.DataFrame(
"dataset": dataset_list,
"template_index": template_idxs,
"best_channel_id": best_channels,
"brain_area": brain_areas,
"depth": depths,
"amplitude": amps,
templates_df = pd.concat([templates_df, new_entry])

templates_df.to_csv("templates.csv", index=False)

# Upload to S3
bc.upload_file("templates.csv", HYBRID_BUCKET, "templates.csv")

if __name__ == "__main__":
208 changes: 208 additions & 0 deletions python/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# # How to estimate templates from Dandisets
# The purpose of this draft notebook is to showcase how templates can be calculated by means of the `SortingAnalyzer` object.

# In[1]:

from dandi.dandiapi import DandiAPIClient
from spikeinterface.extractors import NwbRecordingExtractor, IblSortingExtractor

client = DandiAPIClient.for_dandi_instance("dandi")

# We specifiy a dataset by is dandiset_id and its asset path
dandiset_id = "000409"
dandiset = client.get_dandiset(dandiset_id)

asset_path = "sub-KS042/sub-KS042_ses-8c552ddc-813e-4035-81cc-3971b57efe65_behavior+ecephys+image.nwb"
recording_asset = dandiset.get_asset_by_path(path=asset_path)
url = recording_asset.get_content_url(follow_redirects=True, strip_query=True)
file_path = url

# Note that this ElectricalSeries corresponds to the data from probe 00
electrical_series_path = "acquisition/ElectricalSeriesAp00"
recording = NwbRecordingExtractor(file_path=file_path, stream_mode="remfile", electrical_series_path=electrical_series_path)
session_id = recording._file["general"]["session_id"][()].decode()
eid = session_id.split("-chunking")[0] # eid : experiment id

# We use the sorting extractor from the IBL spike sorting pipeline that matches with eid
from one.api import ONE
ONE.setup(base_url='', silent=True)
one_instance = ONE(password='international')

# Then we match the available probes with the probe number in the electrical series path
pids, probes = one_instance.eid2pid(eid)
probe_number = electrical_series_path.split("Ap")[-1]

sorting_pid = None
for pid, probe in zip(pids, probes):
probe_number_in_pid = probe[-2:]
if probe_number_in_pid == probe_number:
sorting_pid = pid

sorting = IblSortingExtractor(pid=sorting_pid, one=one_instance, good_clusters_only=True)

# We now have our sorting and recording objects. We perform some preprocessing on our recording and slice ouf objects so we only estimate templates from the last minutes of the data.

# In[2]:

from spikeinterface.preprocessing import astype, phase_shift, common_reference, highpass_filter

pre_processed_recording = common_reference(
highpass_filter(phase_shift(astype(recording=recording, dtype="float32")), freq_min=1.0)

# take first and last minute
sampling_frequency_recording = pre_processed_recording.sampling_frequency
sorting_sampling_frequency = sorting.sampling_frequency
num_samples = pre_processed_recording.get_num_samples()

# Take the last 10 minutes of the recording
minutes = 10
seconds = minutes * 60
samples_before_end = int(seconds * sampling_frequency_recording)

start_frame_recording = num_samples - samples_before_end
end_frame_recording = num_samples

recording_end = pre_processed_recording.frame_slice(

# num_samples = sorting.get_num_frames()
samples_before_end = int(seconds * sorting_sampling_frequency)
start_frame_sorting = num_samples - samples_before_end
end_frame_sorting = num_samples

sorting_end = sorting.frame_slice(

# We now use the `SortingAnalyzer` object to estimate templates.

# In[3]:

from spikeinterface.core import create_sorting_analyzer

analyzer = create_sorting_analyzer(sorting_end, recording_end, sparse=False, folder=f"analyzer_{eid}")

random_spike_parameters = {
"method": "all",

template_extension_parameters = {
"ms_before": 3.0,
"ms_after": 5.0,
"operators": ["average", "std"],

extensions = {
"random_spikes": random_spike_parameters,
"templates": template_extension_parameters,


# In[4]:

templates_extension = analyzer.get_extension("templates")
template_object = templates_extension.get_data(outputs="Templates")

# That's it. We now have our data in a templates object (note the outputs keyword on `get_data`). As a visual test that the pipeline works we show how the best chanenl (defined as the one with the maximum peak to peak amplitude) and plot some unit's templates for that channel.

# In[5]:

import numpy as np

def find_channels_with_max_peak_to_peak_vectorized(templates_array):
Find the channel indices with the maximum peak-to-peak value in each waveform template
using a vectorized operation for improved performance.
templates_array (numpy.ndarray): The waveform templates_array, typically a 3D array (units x time x channels).
numpy.ndarray: An array of indices of the channel with the maximum peak-to-peak value for each unit.
# Compute the peak-to-peak values along the time axis (axis=1) for each channel of each unit
peak_to_peak_values = np.ptp(templates_array, axis=1)

# Find the indices of the channel with the maximum peak-to-peak value for each unit
best_channels = np.argmax(peak_to_peak_values, axis=1)

return best_channels

# In[6]:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Adjust global font size
plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 18})

unit_ids = template_object.unit_ids
best_channels = find_channels_with_max_peak_to_peak_vectorized(template_object.templates_array)

num_columns = 3
num_rows = 3

fig, axs = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_columns, figsize=(15, 20), sharex=True, sharey=True)

center = template_object.nbefore

for unit_index, unit_id in enumerate(unit_ids[: num_columns * num_rows]):
row, col = divmod(unit_index, num_columns)
ax = axs[row, col]
best_channel = best_channels[unit_index]

ax.plot(template_object.templates_array[unit_index, :, best_channel], linewidth=3, label="best channel", color="black")

ax.axvline(center, linestyle="--", color="red", linewidth=1)
ax.axhline(0, linestyle="--", color="gray", linewidth=1)
ax.set_title(f"Unit {unit_id}")

# Hide all spines and ticks
ax.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", length=0)

# Hide all spines
for spine in ax.spines.values():


# Create the legend with specified colors
handles, labels = axs[0, 0].get_legend_handles_labels()
fig.legend(handles, labels, loc="upper center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.02), ncol=3, frameon=False)

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