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Redash Email Infrastructure

Save Redash dashboards as a PDF and send via e-mail.


  • Map a set of reports to one or more recipients
  • Distracting formatting is stripped out or replaced
  • Dashboards regenerated for each parameter value
  • Attach complete query results as a CSV file

Supported Protocols:

smtp      Normal SMTP session.  Default port: 25
smtp+tls  Normal SMTP session with STARTTLS.  Default port: 25
smtps     SMTP session with forced TLS on connection.  Default port: 465


  • Docker 1.13.1

Build Docker Image

A local caching proxy may be used to reduce latency

make image

Site Installation

docker run -t $IMAGE template.yaml --print > user-report.yaml

Edit the configuration file and set the token for redash_key

vi user-report.yaml

Verify communication with the Redash API

docker run -v $PWD/user-report.yaml:/home/automation/report.yaml -t $IMAGE --dry-run --verbose

Running Checks

To run lint and unit tests:

python3 -m venv ~/.venv/redash-email
source ~/.venv/redash-email/bin/activate
pip install -r dev.txt
npm install
make lint
make check

Running System Test

Install prerequisites:

apt-get install pwgen docker-buildx docker-compose-v2

To run the tests:

make image
make up
make test

Verify email body and attachments at http://$(hostname -i):1080/

Clean up:

make down


Dashboards are rendered by enabling a share link, but Redash does not allow dashboards with text parameters to be shared. Hence all parameters must be a dropdown list, number or date.