This package was spurred from the motivation of storing confusion matrix outputs in a database, or data frame, in a row by row format, as we have to test many machine learning models and it is useful in storing the structures in a database.
Here, I will use the package remotes to install the package:
# install.packages("remotes") # if not already installed
To install from CRAN, use the below command:
To load the package:
This will download the package and now you can start to use the package with the ML outputs. The supporting Vignette will give the example usage and how to get the most out of the package.
I found this package to be really useful, as I frequently work with confusion matrices on the back of the CARET library - developed by Max Kuhn
and his team.
The package aim is to make it easier to convert the outputs of the lists from caret and collapse these down into row-by-row entries, specifically designed for storing the outputs in a database or row by row data frame.
The vignette on how to use the package is available here.
The package contains three main functions for dealing with binary and multi-class prediction problems, and allows for row level views to be built. The package contents are:
- this function allows you to create a nice looking visual on the back of a binary classification task.binary_class_cm
- this is used for binary classification tasks only and the object passed must be a caret confusion matrix object and classmulti_class_cm
- this is used for multi-classification tasks only. Refer to the vignette for guidance.
Example of binary_visualiseR output:
Read the linked vignette for the full implementation of how to use the package.
The new addition to the ConfusionTableR package is that a dummy encoding function has been added to encode multiple columns across a data frame, as currently most encoding options have only one column at a time potential.
It has been fun putting this package together and I hope you find it useful. If you find any issues using the package, please raise a git hub ticket and I will address it as soon as possible.