This editor is a project that I did myself, for the challenge of Gustavo Pezzi, who put in his course Fundamentals of 2D Game Engines with C++ SDL and Lua . The Editor has a lot of bugs, I don't implement many things, but it is the best I can do now, I hope that in the future I can will improve it. I do this project to learn more about Game Developmet and practice my skills.
- GLEW 2.2.0
- GLFW 3.3.8
- ImGui 1.89.8
- TinyXML2 9.0.0
- GLM 0.9.8
- STB(stb_image)
- Lua 5.4.4
- SOL2 3.3.0
- {fmt} 10.0.0
All the third-party dependencies are installed using conan
- CMake >= 3.18
- conan >= 2.0.5
First execute the setup script for install all necessary dependencies
- GCC >= 13
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=build/release/conan_toolchain.cmake -S . -B ~/build/release
cmake --build ~/build/release --target RavenEditor -- -j X
- Visual Studio >= 22
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="build\release\conan_toolchain.cmake" -S . -B ~/build/release
cmake --build ~/build/release --target RavenEditor --config Release