Simple app to track average fuel consumption. Free, minimal, and open source. No bullshit features. Available on gPlay.
Main screen | New log/edit log | View logs | Settings |
- finnish translation
- prettify code
- export excel
- save to gDrive
- history view should be chronological order (currently sorts by added)
- break history_list_view.dart to multiple files
- use Get theme changes instead of ThemeConsumer
- test what whappens if you don't log in order
- date format picker on smaller screens
- test on smaller screens
- test on tablets!
- unit_tile doesn't rebuild when resetting everything
- consumption is sometimes negative when only one log, maybe prefs get messed up when editing logs?
- Minus consumption when you have 2 logs and delete logs (doesnt recalulcate if you later add new logs)
- indigo to indigogradient?
- history screen transition
- titlebar bottom shadow
- change submit button text when editing log
- calendar view when tank'd
- prefs hive box
- 'minOdo', 'maxOdo' are smallest and biggest odos recorded
- 'imperialEnabled' is in prefs instead of settings, because it's more relevant there
- Using valuableListenableBuilder for everything is a mess (if the app grows), easier to just implement proper state management
- Hive is way easier and better than shared_preferences
- Always make helper class for shared_prefs etc. which automatically returns default values
- abstract class = can't make instance of that class
- static method = called directly from class, not instance
- making quick n' dirty (frontend) prototype of the app really helps get the ball rolling
- popup menu (especially showMenu method) sucks and shouldn't be used