Example with:
- sign up
- sign in
- change password
- update user profile
- multi-tab session syncing
- access control with JWT + certificates
- only allow users with valid access token when modifying "public" space
- only allow users with valid certificates to modify app-specific space
- note, needs a server for this to work. see Server README for details
- list user profiles in UI
no-style styled. it's ugly but it "works"
generate an app key pair:
$ cd server
$ yarn generate-app-key
# output should be kept secret
save env variable to .env file:
$ cp .env.example .env
# save the output from last step in your new file
start the server:
$ yarn
$ yarn start
the server runs on port 8765. to start with file watching and server reload enabled:
$ yarn watch
# instead of yarn start
save env variable to .env file:
$ cd client
$ cp .env.example .env
# add just the public key from your server env here
start the client app:
$ yarn
$ yarn start
your default browser should open http://localhost:8081 in a new tab. updating any of the files in client/src will hot reload the page.
- Webpack doesn't love the gun package. Add
noParse: /(\/gun|gun\/sea)\.js$/
to webpack.config.js to suppress warnings - gun only supports
, which means users need to log in to each tab/window they open. I'm usingBroadcastChannel
to get around this
What's the best way of keeping a list of users in the db? gun superuser?
Create server app as super user and having it give out certificates to end users seems to be working, although certificates won't expire and block lists don't work as of v^0.2020.1235