I’m @SunilAnandatheertha. I research, develop and educate. I am actively developing PXO: Poly-XTAL Operations and UPXO. You can sponsor my work using the sponsor
at the top of a repository page.
My current research emphasises structure-property relationships
in Integrated Computational Materials Engineering
, dealing with high strength engineering alloys
designed for fatigue critical applications
, Surface treatment processes
applied for metallic alloys and Grain growth kinetics
Please reach me at: sunilanandatheertha AT hotmail DOT com
; and on the following Twitter handles: @polyxtalops
for Poly-XTAL operations
Publications from repositories
Please cite PXO as: Anandatheertha, S., (2021). PXO (Poly-XTAL Operations): MATLAB Codebase to Generate, Analyse and Export Complex 2D Spatio-Temporally Gradient Grain Structures. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(63), 3190, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.03190