recblock-sptrsv implements recursive block algorithms for parallel SpTRSV on modern GPUs, and propose an adaptive approach that can automatically select the best kernels according to input sparsity structures.
Zhengyang Lu, Yuyao Niu, and Weifeng Liu. 2020. Efficient Block Algorithms for Parallel Sparse Triangular Solve. In 49th International Conference on Parallel Processing - ICPP (ICPP '20), 10 pages. DOI:
If you have any questions about running the code, please contact Zhengyang Lu.
The sparse triangular solve (SpTRSV) operation solves a linear system of the form 𝐿𝑥 = 𝑏 (or 𝑈 𝑥 = 𝑏), where 𝐿 (or 𝑈 ) is a sparse lower (or upper) triangular matrix, 𝑏 is a dense right-hand side vector, and 𝑥 is the dense resulting vector to solve.
recblock-sptrsv implements recursive blocks (each including two triangular sub-matrices and a square or near square sub-matrix). And we further improve its performance by using a
new data format. In addition, we propose an adaptive method that automatically selects the best SpTRSV and SpMV kernels for the divided triangular sub-matrices and square sub-matrices, respectively, depending on their sparsity structures
NVIDIA GPU with compute capability at least 3.5 (NVIDIA Titan X and Titan RTX as tested) * NVIDIA nvcc CUDA compiler and cuSPARSE library, both of which are included with CUDA Toolkit (CUDA v10.2 as tested) The GPU test programs have been tested on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04, and are expected to run correctly under other Linux distributions.
Our test programs currently support input files encoded using the matrix market format. All matrix market datasets used in this evaluation are publicly available from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection.
- Set CUDA path in the Makefile
- The command 'make' generates an executable file 'sptrsv-double' for double precision.
- Run SpTRSV code on matrix data with auto-tuning in double precision. The GPU compilation takes four optionals: d=<gpu-device, e.g., 0> parameter that specifies the GPU device to run if multiple GPU devices are available at the same time, rhs=<right-hand-side, e.g, 0> parameter specifies the number of right-hand-side vectors. lv=<level, e.g, 0> parameter specifies the level number of recblock-sptrsv algorithm and <forward/backward> parameter specifies the input matrix is lower/upper triangular matrix.
./sptrsv-double -d 1 -rhs 1 -lv -1 -forward -mtx Name.mtx.
Oct 19,2021 Version Alpha