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GrafDimenzio edited this page Jan 19, 2021 · 9 revisions


Namespace: Synapse.Api

This object is used to interact with an Player and contains these things:

  • Kick() => Kicks the Player from the Server
  • Ban() => Bans the Player from the Server
  • ChangeRoleAtPosition() => Changes the Role of the Player without setting a new Position,giving items etc.
  • Kill() => Kills the Player
  • GiveTextHint() => Gives the Player a TextHint
  • SendConsoleMessage() => Sends a Message in the Player Console
  • SendRAConsoleMessage() => Sends a Message in the Remote Admin of the Player
  • GiveItem() => Gives the Player an Item
  • GiveEffect() => Gives the Player an effect
  • RaLogin() => Activates the RemoteAdmin of the Player
  • RaLogout() => Deactivates the RemoteAdmin of the Player
  • Heal() => Heals the Player
  • Hurt() => Gives the Player Damage
  • OpenReportWindow() => Opens the Report Window with a Message
  • SendToServer() => Sends the Player to an different Scp:SL Server that is running on a different port on the same pc
  • DimScreen() => Makes the Screen of the Player for the entire Round black
  • ShakeScreen() => Shakes the Screen of the Player
  • PlaceBlood() => Places blood for this Player
  • Jail => The Jail object of the Player
  • Scp106Controller => The Scp106Controller of the Player
  • Scp079Controller => The Scp079Controller of the Player
  • Scp096Controller => The Scp096Controller of the Player
  • ActiveBroadcasts => The currently active Broadcasts of the Player in a BroadcastList ordered how they get displayed
  • Inventory => The PlayerInventory
  • SendBroadcast() => Sends an Broadcast to the Player
  • CustomRole => The Current CustomRole of the Player (is null when the Player is no CustomRole)
  • RoleID => The Current RoleId of the Player (you can also set the CustomRole of a Player with it)
  • RoleName => The name of the current role
  • SynapseGroup => The SynapseGroup of the Player
  • HasPermission() => if the Player has the Permissions
  • RefreshPermissions => Refresh the Permission of the Player
  • GlobalPerms => The global perms of the Player
  • GlobalRemoteAdmin => If the player has global acces to the Remote Admin
  • DisplayName => The Name which is displayed in game
  • DisplayInfo => A extra Text between player name and badge that can display extra informations
  • PlayerID => The Playerid of the Player
  • UserID => The Userid of the Player
  • SecondUserID => The SecondUserid of the Player (Northwood staff often has a @steam an @northwood userid)
  • Noclip => if Noclip for the Player is active
  • OverWatch => if the Player is in overwatch
  • Bypass => if the Player can bypass everything
  • GodMod => if GodMode is active
  • Invisible => if the Player is invisible
  • Position => The Position of the Player
  • Rotation => The Rotation of the Player
  • DeathPosition => The last Position where the Players died
  • DeathTime => the Time since the Player is death
  • Scale => The Scale of the Player
  • Health => The Health of the Player
  • MaxHealth => The Max health the Player can have
  • ArtificialHealth => The artificial health the Player has
  • MaxArtificialHealth => The Max artificial have a player can get
  • Stamina => How much Stamina the Player has (0-100)
  • StaminaUsage => The Amount of Stamina that a player use
  • RoleType => The current RoleType of the Player (does not change the RoleID if the Players CustomRole is not null)
  • Room => The current Room the Player is in
  • MapPoint => The current Position of the Player as MapPoint
  • Cuffer => The person who cuffed the current player object
  • LookingAt => The Gameobject which the Player is currently looking at
  • Ammo5 => The Ammo5 the Player has
  • Ammo7 => The Ammo7 the Player has
  • Ammo9 => The Ammo9 the Player has
  • Rank => The UserGroup of the Player
  • RankColor => The RankColor of the Player
  • RankName => The Rankname of the Player
  • HideRank => if the Player Rank is hidden
  • Permission => The Permissions of the Player
  • IsMuted => if the Player is muted
  • IsIntercomMuted => If the Player is in the intercom muted
  • UnitName => The Unit Name the Player is in
  • CommandSender => The CommandSender object of the Player
  • DoNotTrack => If the Player has enabled the DoNotTrack Config
  • IsDead => if the Player is dead
  • IsZooming => if the Player is zoomin currently with a weapon
  • IsReloading => if the Player curently reloads his weapon
  • IsCuffed => if the Player is Cuffed
  • AliveTime => The time since the Player is alive
  • AuthToke => The AuthToken of the Player
  • Ping => The ping of the Player
  • NickName => The NickName of the Player
  • Team => The Team the Player is in
  • RealTeam => The Team the Player is in (also checks if the Player has a CustomRole and when he have gives you the Team of the CustomRole)
  • Fraction => The Fraction of the Player
  • RealFraction => Gives you the Fraction of the player based on RealTeam
  • ItemInHand => The Current Item in the Hand of the Player
  • Connection => The NetworkConnection of the Player
  • IpAdress => The IpAdress of the Player
  • SetData() => Stores data for this Player (gets stored even between Server restarts)
  • GetData() => Gives you the stored data in the Player
  • CameraReference => The CameraReference of the Player

The following things are VanillaObjects and are not recommended to use except you know what you are doing

  • NetworkIdentity
  • GameConsoleTransmission
  • GrenadeManager
  • LocalCurrentRoomEffects
  • WeaponManager
  • AmmoBox
  • HintDisplay
  • SearchCoordinator
  • FootstepSync
  • PlayerEffectsController
  • PlayerInteract
  • Handcuffs
  • FallDamage
  • AnimationController
  • SpectatorManager
  • NicknameSync
  • PlayerMovementSync
  • QueryProcessor
  • ServerRoles
  • PlayerStats
  • VanillaInventory
  • ClassManager
  • Hub


Namespace: Synapse.Api

  • IsJailed => If the Player is jailed
  • Admin => The player that jailed the player
  • Role => The Role that the Player was before
  • Position => The Position where the Player was before
  • Items => The Items that are despawned while the player is jailed that he had before
  • Health => The Health he had before
  • JailPlayer() => Jails the player
  • UnJailPlayer() => Unjail the player


namespace Synapse.Api

  • Is106 => If the player is 106
  • PortalPosition => The Position of his Portal
  • IsUsingPortal => If the player is currently using his portal
  • PocketPlayers => The Players he took into the Pocket
  • UsePortal() => Forces the player to go throug his portal
  • DeletePortal() => Deltes the portal of the Player
  • CreatePortal() => Creates a portal under Scp106
  • CapturePlayer() => Captrues a player as this Player


namespace Synapse.Api

  • Is079 => If the player is 079
  • Level => The current level of Scp079
  • Speaker => The current speaker Scp079 is using
  • Exp => The current exp that 079 has
  • Energy => The current energy that 079 has
  • MaxEnergy => The max Energy 079 can have
  • Camera => The current Camera 079 is using
  • GiveExperience() => Gives 079 Exp
  • ForceLevel() => forces 079 to a level
  • UnlockDoors => Unlocks all doors 079 has locked


namespace Synapse.Api

  • Is096 => If the player is 096
  • ShieldAmount => The Shield that 096 have
  • CurMaxShield => The Max Shield that 096 currently have
  • EnrageTimeLeft => The Enrage time that is left until 096 Calms down
  • RageState => The RageState of 096
  • Targets => Current targets of the player
  • CanAttack => If 096 cann go into the attack state
  • CanCharge => If 096 can fo into the charge state
  • AddTarget() => Adds a target to the list of 096
  • RemoveTarget() => Removes a target from the list of 096
  • ChargeDoor() => Activates the rage through the door animation


namespace: Synapse.Api

It represents a broadcast that can even change his message while it's displayed

  • DisplayTime => The time when the the broadcast starts to display the player
  • Message => The message that is displayed
  • Time => The entrie Time that the broadcast should be displayed
  • StartBc() => starts the broadcast (not recommended using since Synapse does it for you)
  • Refresh() => sends the broadcast to the player again with the current values (not recommended using since Synapse does it for you)
  • EndBc() => ends the broadcast immediately


namespace: Synapse.Api

It is a list of all currently queued broadcasts of a player

  • Add() => adds a broadcast to the queue
  • Remove() => removes a broadcast from the queue
  • Clear() => removes all broadcasts from the queue
  • GetEnumerator() => gives you all broadcasts as Enumerator


namespace: Synapse.Api.Items

  • [index] => gives you the item with that index of the Inventory of the player
  • Items => gives you a List of all items in the player inventory
  • AddItem() => gives the player an item
  • RemoveItem() => removes an item from the player inventory
  • Clear() => removes all items from the player inventory
  • Drop() => drops a specific item
  • DropAll() => drops all items


namespace: Synapse.Permission

this object contains all information about the permissions, badge and others that is handled by the synapse permission system

  • Default => if this group is assigned to everyone by default
  • Northwood => if this group is assigned to all NW staffs by default
  • RemoteAdmin => if the group has remote admin access
  • Badge => the badge name of the group
  • Color => the badge color of the group
  • Cover => if the badge is displayed over global badges like patreon
  • Hidden => if the badge is hidden by default
  • KickPower => the kick power of the group
  • RequiredKickPower => the KickPower that is needed in order to kick players of this group
  • Permissions => a list of all permissions the group has
  • Members => a list of all members in the group (userid)
  • HasPermission() => if the group has permission
  • GetVanillaPermissionValue() => gives the vanilla permissions the group have as ulong
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