This project has been Abandoned before beeing (properly) finished (there's no frontend xd). The reason for this is that projects like cargo-tree, cargo-graph, cargo-depgraph exist and choose a better strategies to show dependencies. Also, the graph database I chose will be in "maintanence mode" (end-of-life) soon (redisgraph). Sooo, in the current state:
- pre-processor works
- takes cargo crates dump and creates a redisgraph database with inter-connected dependency versions
- uses a shit-tone of RAM ( has a lot of packages), so setup at least 32GB swap beforehand!
- api works
- uses the database to traverse dependencies for a package version (and caches the traversed results)
- Example usage of the API:
(every package version has unique ID, non-dependent on the package)
- frontend
- nonexistent lol
- use this repo as more of an example on how to work with:
- cargo crates data dumps
- rust's axum web server
- rust + redisgraph (even tho it's EOL)
- Download latest data dump:
- Go into
- Place the downloaded dump here and run
tar -xf db-dump.tar.gz
- Rename the extracted folder from it's original name to
docker run -it --name deps-graph-cargo-db-dump-container -d -p 7501:5432 -v "$(pwd)/db-dump:/var/lib/postgresql/db-dump" -v "$(pwd)/db-container-data/:/var/lib/postgresql/data" -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=c4rg0DUmP -e POSTGRES_USER=dumpuser -e POSTGRES_DB=dumpdb -e PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata postgres:15.3-alpine
(on Windows replacepwd
withpwd -W
)docker exec -it deps-graph-cargo-db-dump-container bash
cd /var/lib/postgresql/db-dump
psql dumpdb -U dumpuser < schema.sql
psql dumpdb -U dumpuser < import.sql
- Place the downloaded dump here and run
docker start deps-graph-cargo-db-dump-container
- Go into
docker ps
-- get iddocker stop {id}
docker rm {id}
docker volume ls
-- get iddocker volume rm {id}
rm -rf db-container-data db-dump
- Go into
docker run -it --name deps-graph-redisgraph -d -p 7500:6379 -v "$(pwd)/db-container-data/:/data" redislabs/redisgraph:2.12.1
(on Windows, replacepwd
withpwd -W
)- If you want to try out running in constrained enviroment, add following flags:
--memory="1g" --memory-swap="9g"
flag in the previous command
docker start deps-graph-redisgraph
- Go into
docker ps
-- get iddocker stop {id}
docker rm {id}
docker volume ls
-- get iddocker volume rm {id}
rm -rf db-container-data