JinishPotro Backend
JinishPotro Backend serves as the foundational component for the JinishPotro full-stack MERN website. This robust backend is built using Node.js and Express.js, employing the Mongoose library for seamless interaction with MongoDB. The backend provides essential functionalities for user authentication, category and product management, review handling, and order processing.
- Secure user authentication mechanisms through JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
- User management routes for retrieval, modification, and deletion.
- Efficient handling of product categories with endpoints for retrieval, creation, and deletion.
- Product management capabilities, including creation, retrieval, and deletion, with integrated review functionalities.
- Robust review system allowing users to provide feedback and ratings for products.
- Flexible review management routes for addition and deletion.
- Streamlined order creation and management with dedicated routes for creation, retrieval, update, and deletion.
User Authentication
- /api/v1/user (GET)
- /api/v1/user/:id (GET)
- /api/v1/login (POST)
- /api/v1/signup (POST)
- /api/v1/user/update/admin/:id (PUT)
- /api/v1/user/update/to/user/:id (PUT)
- /api/v1/user/delete/:id (DELETE)
Categoriy & Product Routes
- /api/v1/categoriy (GET)
- /api/v1/categoriy/:id (GET Single)
- /api/v1/categoriy (POST)
- /api/v1/categoriy/product (PUT)
- /api/v1/categoriy/:categoryId/product/:productId
- /api/v1/categoriy/:id (DELETE)
- /api/v1/categoriy/:categoryId/products/:productId (DELETE)
- /api/v1/categoriy/:categoriyId/products/:productId/review/:reviewId (DELETE)
- /api/v1/categoriy/product/review (PUT)
- /api/v1/categoriy/:categoriyId/products/:productId/review/:reviewId (DELETE)
- /api/v1/order/create (POST)
- /api/v1/order/ (GET)
- /api/v1/order/:id (DELETE)
- /api/v1/order/update/:id (PATCH)
- /api/v1/categoriy (POST)
{ "name": "categoriy 1", "title": "categoriy 1 Title", "detail": "categoriy 1 Details", "photo": "categoriy1.jpg" }
- /api/v1/categoriy/product (PUT)
"categoriyId": "Categoriy ID Here",
"name": "product 1",
"detail": "product 1 Details",
"sellerName": "TH Raju",
"sellerId": "seller Id",
"photo": "product.jpg",
"price": 200,
"discount": 5,
"review": []
- Review
- /api/v1/categoriy/product/review (PUT)
"categoriyId": "Categoriy Id",
"productId": "Review Id",
"reviewData" : {
"user": "Th Raju",
"userId": "User Id",
"comment": "User Comment",
"rating": 5
This project is licensed under TH-Raju.
For inquiries, reach out to me at rajukhan894200@gmail.com.