Mini "bomberman" game in 2D, made in C with the SDL library. The goal of the game is to reach the princess surrounded by a bunch of evil monsters in the last level. The monsters will be more terrifying the closer you get to the princess.
To install the game, you have to clone the repo and compile the files :
$ git clone
$ cd sources
$ make
To launch the game, execute the next command line in a terminal :
$ ./bin/bombeirb
You control "bomberman" who has 3 main capacities :
- moves
- put down a "bomb" which is going to explode 4 seconds later
- moving from a map to another map
Save your current game : At any time, you can save your game to resume it later. To launch a saved game, you must launch the game with the next command line :
$ ./bin/bombeirb save
Commands list :
- keyboard arrows : player moves
- space : put down a bomb
- P : pause the game
- S : save your game
- O : open a door with a key and move to another map
- Q : quit the game