# 100 Days of Code: Log
Target: To code for at least an hour every day for the next 100 days.
More details about the challenge can be found at 100daysofcode.com or the official repo.
Start Date | End Date |
August 07, 2020 | December 15, 2021 (Not really) |
- Code or learn coding for at least an hour every day.
- Learn new technologies and languages/frameworks.
- Make some solid projects.
No | Project Title | Completed On |
1 | Library implementation for HEAP in C++ | 5th October, 2020 |
2 | Multimedia and Web Databases College Project Phase-1 | 16th September, 2021 |
3 | CSE 535 Mobile Computing College Project- Android application that collects COVID-19 related symptoms and stores them in a database in the smartphone. Presents user options to measure Heart rate and Respiratory rate. | 26th September, 2021 |
4 | Multimedia and Web Databases College Project Phase-2 | 24th October, 2021 |
5 | Multimedia and Web Databases College Project Phase-3 | 28th November, 2021 |
Today's Progress :
- C++ - STL
- Started Algorithms specialization Course 1 on Coursera
- Solved few basic c++ problems on Hackerank and Leetcode!
What I learned :
- Vectors.
- Introduction to algorithms.
- Its better to take help from someone and do something, then not do anything all day.
Thoughts :
- Decent start i guess...
- Special thanks to my friend Kuee without whom i guess i would never have started!
- And last, to the reader. Keep watching me please. Any help to keep me on track would be really helpful.
Today's Progress :
- C++ - STL
- Algorithms specialization Course 1 on Coursera
- C++ problems on HackeRank and LeetCode!
- Participated in CP-1
What I learned :
- Multi dimensional vectors.
- Completed Introduction to algorithms.
- Simple hash_table usage while discussing CP-1 problem 2. (Thanks Kuee !)
Thoughts :
- Need to gear up...
- Lots and lots to learn, need to be patient.
- From now on will be numbering all my CP as done above.
Today's Progress :
- Algorithms specialization Course 1 on Coursera.
- Visual studio setup for c++ programming.
- Participated in CP-2.
What I learned :
- Asymptotic analysis of algorithms.
- Have to improve my CP skills.
- How to debug code on Visual Studio.
Thoughts :
- Need to learn new algorithms and data structures and practise questions on them soon.
- A bad day for CP....The questions were too tough for me.
Today's Progress :
- Algorithms specialization Course 1 on Coursera.
- Solved problems on leetcode.
What I learned :
- Algorithms course Week 1 problems and assignments done ans started Week 2!
- Learnt Kadane's Algorithm
- Solved Two sum
- Solved Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- Solved Single Number
- Solved Find Pivot Index
Thoughts :
- Many more algorithms to learn!
- Better then yesterday...
- Data structures are damm interesting stuff!
Today's Progress :
- C++ - STL
- Solved probems on Hackerrank
What I learned :
- STL - Maps and Unordered_maps.
Thoughts :
- A slow day.
- Wish somebody could cure my migrain.
- Hope i will be able to solve atleast 1 problem in CP tomorrow.
Today's Progress :
- Solved probems on Leetcode and Hackerrank.
What I learned :
- Solved Largest Number At Least Twice of Others.
- Solved Plus One.
Thoughts :
- Today was Kuee's birthday ...Ashish ,Piyush ,Shivangi and I had prepared a surprise for him .π₯³π₯³π₯³
- Had made a riddle for him to solve...A little bit related to coding..It was fun watching him solve!
- No comments on CP-3 π€π₯
Today's Progress :
- Solved probems on Leetcode
- Algorithms
What I learned :
- Solved Happy Number.
- Solved Maximum Subarray .
- Solved Move Zeroes
- Learnt Floyd Cycle Detection Algorithm
Thoughts :
- A decent day..
- Floyd Cycle Detection Algorithm was interesting and surprisingly easy.
Today's Progress :
What I learned :
Four fundamental concepts of OS -
- Thread.
- Address Space.
- Process.
- Dual mode Operation - Kernel and User.
Best way for making variable row-size 2-D vectors :
vector<vector<int>>vec; vector<int>v = {1} ; vec.push_back(v) v.push_back(2); vec.push_back(v);
Thoughts :
- Was able to solve 1 problem successfully in CP-4.
- Would have solved 2nd problem too easily but getline function was not working in my Visual Studio for some unknown reason.
- Kuee completed his 100 days of code today! Check this out to know more of his really inspirational journey.
- Thanks for helping so much and Kudos my friend ππ₯³π₯³
Today's Progress :
- Solved Problems on Hackerrank.
What I learned :
- C++ STL - revised arrays and strings on C++
Thoughts :
- GG so far..
- Revisions are equally important...
Today's Progress :
- Participated in CP-5
What I learned :
- Use for INT_MAX and INT_MIN.
Thoughts :
- Was able to solve 2 problems in CP-5.
- Wish i was able to solve the third one too... I thought i was using the right logic..but somehow it wasnt right totally...Will check it out again.
Today's Progress :
- Saw solutions of questions in CP-5
What I learned :
- Easy ways of doing questions which i solved yesterday.
Thoughts :
- Hope i am able to keep up, was barely able to code for 1 hour today!
- But yes i made it!!
- My first day of not being able to code since i started this. Feeling really bad. I was having a strong urge to lie but i won't.
- Stressful days ... Hope these end soon.
Today's Progress :
- Revised basics of Linked List.
- Solved problems on Leetcode.
What I learned :
- Solved Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II.
- Solved Group Anagrams
- Solved Middle of the Linked List
- unordered_maps are really useful.
Thoughts :
- Floyd Cycle Algorithm is something very helpful to get a low time complexity !
- Day 11 already?...Time is rolling so fast nowadays!!
Today's Progress :
- C++STL - stack
- Solved problems on Leetcode.
What I learned :
Solved Backspace String Compare.
Solved Min Stack
Stack data structure already present in C++ lib -:
stack <int> s1 ;
Revised manual implementation of stack;
Erase function in string -
str.erase(); // Deletes all characters str.erase(1); // Deletes all characters except first one str.erase(1, 4); // Deletes 4 characters from index number 1 str.erase(str.begin() + 4); // Deletes character at position 4 str.erase(str.begin() + 0, str.end() - 6); // Deletes all characters between 0th index and str.end() - 6
Thoughts :
- Stacks were love , is love and always will be love.
- str.erase(1) would erase all characters after index 0 but str.erase(str.begin() + 1) would only delete character at index 1 . STRANGE! but useful! Need to understand more about iterators!
- Should i register for Microsoft ?? (yeah! oncampus visit) , I was able to clear only till 2nd round last year , Is it of any use? .....πΆπΆ
Today's Progress :
- Participated in CP-6
What I learned :
- __gcd(a,b) inbuilt function available in C++ 17.
Thoughts :
- Was able to solve only 2 problems in CP-6 (same as CP -5).
- Wish i was able to solve the third one too... I thought i was using the right logic..but somehow it wasnt right totally...Will take help from Kuee !!
Today's Progress :
- Participated in CP-7
What I learned :
- string in c++ is basically vector...so use push_back function to insert new elements and other functions of vector data structure as needeed.
- unordered_set usage .
Thoughts :
- Was able to solve 2 problems in CP-7.
- Used unordered_set for the first time in a code ! Hurray ! Really made my code so easy!
- Wish i was able to solve the third question in time too...was easy actually!
Today's Progress :
- Participated in GOOGLE KICKSTART CP-8
What I learned :
- Watched solutions of Google Kickstart problems
- How to get all possible arrays of size k with elements (0-n).
Thoughts :
- Was able to solve 1.5 problems in GOOGLE KICKSTART CP-8.
- Used brute force to solve 2nd problem but got TLE in second test case as expected...
- Had fun!
Today's Progress :
- Graphs concept.
What I learned :
- Basics of Graphs.
- Graph Terminology.
- Graph Representation -
- Adjacency list.
- Adjacency matrix.
- Edge list.
- Graph Traversal -
- Depth-first search (DFS).
- Breadth-first search (BFS).
- Applications.
Thoughts :
- Thanks Kuee for helping me learn...
- Graphs were fun too..
Today's Progress :
- Participated in CP-9
What I learned :
- unordered_set usage.
- Time Limit is very imp in CP.
Thoughts :
- Wish i could freeze time to learn all algorithms and data structures before next CP.
- Was only able to solve one problem in CP-9
Today's Progress :
What I learned :
- Graph Shortest Path Algorithms.
- BellmanβFord algorithm - O(nm).
- Dijkstraβs algorithm - O(m + nlogn).
- FloydβWarshall algorithm - O(n^3)
- Using Greedy algorithm within a loop and comparing all the final answers can convert a wrong greedy answer to a right one!
Thoughts :
- 3 YEARS passed since I first thought of learning trees and graphs and finally i am NOW! Cheers to procastination !π
- Pumped up !!!
Today's Progress :
- Revised Graphs.
What I learned :
- Just a quick revision and tried writing code for dfs and bfs myself.
Thoughts :
- Not much done today.
- Registering for GRE begins!
Today's Progress :
- Participated in CP-10 (Newton's coding challenge August 2020)
What I learned :
- Manhattan's distance.
- Read question properly in CP !!
Thoughts :
- Achieved rank 349 in CP-10.
- Time Complexity and Space Complexity ...Wish they never existed!!!
Today's Progress :
- Participated in CP-11
What I learned :
Modulo 10^9+7 !!
Modulo rules -
- ( a + b) % c = ( ( a % c ) + ( b % c ) ) % c
- ( a * b) % c = ( ( a % c ) * ( b % c ) ) % c
- ( a β b) % c = ( ( a % c ) β ( b % c ) ) % c
( a / b ) % c = ( ( a % c ) / ( b % c ) ) % c
Thoughts :
- Was able to solve 3 questions in CP-11.
- Have to see Extended Euclidean algorithm and Fermatβs Little Theorem.
Today's Progress :
- Participated in CP-12
What I learned :
- Greedy in loop can be used if you are sure that the worst case time complexity wont cause TLE.
Thoughts :
- Was able to solve only 1 question in CP-12.
- I should learn from my mistakes!!
Today's Progress :
- Trees
- Revised Graph Shortest Path Algorithms.
What I learned :
- Tree Traversal.
- Diameter.
- All longest paths.
- Binary Trees.
Thoughts :
- So much to do in so less time.
- Today finally Kuee pushed his 100th day log commit of his 100 days of code challenge !
Today's Progress :
- Dynamic Programming.
- CP-13 - Atlassian on campus placement first round.
What I learned :
- Coin problem.
- Longest increasing subsequence.
- Knapsack problems.
- Levenshtein distance.
Thoughts :
- A lot of practice pending.
- Studying with Kuee has helped me to explore so many new things.
- Was able to solve one question in CP-13 , because I thought that the last question would be the most tough one as is always in CP. But it was not apparently. Wasted all time in solving the second one which I was not able to eventually. 50 Lakhs gone although it doesn't matter! (Yeah that's the CTC the company was offering!)
Today's Progress :
- Trees
What I learned :
- Binary Search Tree.
- AVL Trees.
Thoughts :
- Need to implement and practice problems on the topics I have covered recently.
- Even after hours we ( Kuee and me ) were not able to understand Red-Black Trees ! π₯΄
Today's Progress :
- BitMasking.
- Virtual contest CP-14
What I learned :
Basics of BitMasking .
Theory of Sieve of Eratosthenes.
Precision of floating point numbers (Include cmath library) -
ceil() : Ceil rounds off the given value to the closest integer which is more than the given value.
floor(): Floor rounds off the given value to the closest integer which is less than the given value.
trunc(): Trunc removes digits after decimal point.
round(): Round given number to the closest integer.
setprecision(): Setprecision when used along with βfixedβ provides precision to floating point numbers correct to decimal numbers mentioned in the brackets of the setprecison.
double pi = 3.14159; cout << fixed << setprecision(3) << pi <<endl; cout << fixed << setprecision(6) << pi <<endl; Output - 3.142 3.141590
Thoughts :
- Was able to solve 2 questions in Virtual contest CP-14 prepared by Kuee.
- DP solution to the Cut Ribbon question was really nice! Need to practice DP more!
- 26 days !!! Completed first quarter of the 100 days of code challenge ! Hurray ππ€©π₯³
- 3rd is a really special day for me .... 29 MONTHS! π
Today's Progress :
- Participated in CP-15.
What I learned :
- Don't get stuck on a problem !
- KISS - Keep it simple Stupid!
Thoughts :
- A bad day !
- Was able to solve only 2 questions in CP-15 inspite of it beind Div 3.
- This contest really demotivated me ! Is this all worth it?
Today's Progress :
- Participated in CP-16.
- Practised problems on DP.
What I learned :
- How to solve problems using DP.
- Solved Cut Ribbon.
- Solved T-primes.
- Solved Boredom.
- Solved Given Length and Sum of Digits....
Thoughts :
- A great day !
- Was able to solve again only 2 questions in CP-16.
- A big big big big THANK YOU to Kuee.
Today's Progress :
- Participated in CP-17.
What I learned :
- Saw tutorial for CP-17.
- Don't forget to check syntax of output!!!
- Solved BerSU Ball.
Thoughts :
- Two questions only yet again !!
Today's Progress :
- Practised problems on DP and binary search.
What I learned :
- Solved Flipping Game.
- Solved Worms.
- Solved Alternating Subsequence.
- Solved K-th Not Divisible by n.
- Revised Cut Ribbon, T-primes, Boredom, Given Length and Sum of Digits... and BerSU Ball
Thoughts :
- More practice required to come up with DP solution.
- Kth number not divisible by n can be simple found out using by k + ((kβ1)/(nβ1)).
- 30 DAYS completed!!!!!
Today's Progress :
- Participated in CP-18.
What I learned :
GCD calculation using modulo operator is more efficient then using Euclidean Algorithm .
int gcd(int a, int b) { if (b == 0) return a; return gcd(b, a % b); }
Thoughts :
- Was able to solve only two questions again although as the questions were difficult was able to get a rank of 4917 out of approx 22k participants.
- Need to begin studying operating systems back again.
Today's Progress :
- Introduction to Operating Systems
What I learned :
- Architecture of OS.
- OS vs Kernel.
- Functions of OS.
- System Calls.
- Interrupts.
Thoughts :
- Have to complete OS before 14th September so that i can atleast ans questions of it in interview.
- Have to study sorting algorithms asap.
- Not feeling good .
- Taking a break from my 100 days of code challenge.
- Will surely continue it again from tomorrow .
Today's Progress :
- Operating Systems.
What I learned :
Revised Fundamental Concepts of OS -
- Thread : Execution Content. - Address Space. - Process : an instance of program running. - Dual mode operation - Kernel/System mode And User mode.
Thoughts :
- Will I be able to upgrade to Pupil in Codeforces after CP-19 ?
Today's Progress :
- Participated in CP-19.
What I learned :
max() function in C++ works only for 2 variables. For more then 2 variables we can use this way -
Thoughts :
- Was not able to upgrade my rating to Pupil as there was a power cut during the contest and i was able to submit 2 questions somehow in the last 25 - 30 minutes.
- Congrats Kuee for upgrading to Pupil. π₯³
Today's Progress :
- C++ STL theory from here
What I learned :
- Priority Queue Introduction.
- Priority Queue Min Heaps and Max Heaps.
- Priority Queue Inserting Elements.
- Priority Queue Removing Elements.
- Priority Queue Code.
Thoughts :
- Need to revise and implement all data stuctures one day again.
Today's Progress :
What I learned :
- Hash table hash function.
- Hash table separate chaining.
- Hash table separate chaining source code.
- Hash table open addressing.
- Hash table linear probing.
Thoughts :
- Priority Queue was way easy then I thought it would be , on the other hand Hash tables are more complicated then I thought it would be but everything is more easier then Red Black Trees !
- Solved 2 questions (1st and 3rd!!) and would have easily solved 2nd one too but due to wrong test cases and other disturbances the contest was declared unrated. And hence am still a newbie.....
- Waiting for next round ... 4 days to go.
Today's Progress :
- Operationg systems
What I learned :
- Program vs process.
- Process control block.
- Process States.
- Process creation through fork().
- Editorial of CP-20.
Thoughts :
- Lots of interviews coming up soon!
- Think i should learn Operating systems from another source.
Today's Progress :
- C++ STL theory from here
What I learned :
- Hash table quadratic probing.
- Hash table double hashing.
- Hash table open addressing removing.
- Hash table open addressing code.
- Union Find Introduction.
- Union Find Kruskal's Algorithm.
- Union Find - Union and Find Operations.
- Union Find Path Compression.
Thoughts :
- Lots of DS learnt.. LOTS OF REVISION required.
- Implementation of these DS to be done as soon as possible.
- Fever and body pain...
- Was not able to do anything.
- Maybe i should see a doctor.
Today's Progress :
- CP-21 Wellsfargo placement 1st round (Coding).
Thoughts :
- Still not feeling good.
- Was not able to clear the coding round itself..
Today's Progress :
- Participated in CP-22.
What I learned :
- Solved question using memoization in the contest...kindof DP.
Thoughts :
- Feeling a bit sick even today
- Got upgraded to pupil!!! Rating being exact 1200. π₯³
- Could have solved two more questions easily!
Today's Progress :
- Sat for CP-23 Commvault placement first round.
- Sat for CP-24 Amazon placement first round.
What I learned :
- Tree S is a subtree of tree T if both inorder and preorder/postorder traversals of S are substrings of inorder and preorder/postorder traversals of T respectively.
Thoughts :
- Fever persisting even today.
- Amazon coding round wents really well with all questions correct except one coding question in which only 2 test cases where not getting correct answer.
- But still was not selected for the second round.
Today's Progress :
- Sat for CP-25 Walmart placement first round.
Thoughts :
- Was able to solve the coding question but was still not selected as i was not able to do the simple MCQs because of no time.
- Kuee got selected in the second round... Hope he cracks the interviews ...will be studying DBMS with him today ! Lots to study in very little time!
Today's Progress :
- DBMS and SQL crash course.
What I learned :
- From basics of DBMS to concepts of Normalization and dependencies and joins... a LOT!!!!
- Basics of SQL .
Thoughts :
- Kuee has successfully cleared the 2 toughest rounds i.e the technical rounds ...just the managerial and HR round is left. Hope he gets selected! Then party!!!
Today's Progress :
- CP-26 Infineon first round online test.
- Delloite first round apti test.
What I learned :
Revised pointers to array.
arr - points to 0th 1-D array. *arr - points to 0th element of 1-D array. (arr+i) - points to ith 1-D array. *(arr+i) - points to 0th element of ith 1-D array. *(arr+i)+j - points to jth element of ith 1-D array. *(*(arr+i)+j) - represents the value of jth element of ith 1-D array.
Thoughts :
- Congrats Kuee .Cracked into WALMART . You totally deserved it bro! ITS PARTY TIME NOW!!πππ
- Should i be really sitting for companies like axella and delloite? Hmmmmmm...
Today's Progress :
- Infineon second round interviews.
- Axella first round apti test.
What I learned :
- Tries are used for dictionary related problems.
Thoughts :
- Really bad interview process of Infineon.
- Was asked a coding questions to find all anagrams of a word using TRIE data structure, which i could not answer.
- Need to do lots and lots of coding and learn new concepts......
Today's Progress :
- Operating Systems CS162 course
What I learned :
- Processes
- Forks
- System calls.
Thoughts :
- Learning new concepts in OS. Learning OS is really easy and fun.
- Making up my mind to be patient and keep hope .Will be dropping out myself from Delloite and Axella procedure in the second round myself. Aiming only for SDE roles...
Today's Progress :
- C++ STL revision.
What I learned :
- Revised Hash maps and Binary Heaps.
Thoughts :
- Why do companies take so much time in announcing results!!!π
Today's Progress :
Thoughts :
- Secured 1354 rank in CP-27 Google Kickstart Round F. YEAH!!
- Rating increased in codeforces by just 20 .....Myrating changes has been so slow....If not a steep rise , all I wish is that it doesn't fall either..
Today's Progress :
- Operating Systems CS-162 course
What I learned :
- Processes.
- Threads.
- Multiplexing.
- Concurrency.
Thoughts :
- Ashish and i have got selected for Delloite next round!
- Will surely get myself out in the first round itself...Hope Ashish is able to crack this!
Today's Progress :
- Operating Systems CS-162 course
What I learned :
- Concurrency.
- Mutual Exclusion.
Thoughts :
- 50th Day .....still a really bad day.
- Ashish didn't get selected for Delloite..i really wished they did....No worries ! I believe in them!
Today's Progress :
- Operating Systems CS-162 course
What I learned :
- Semaphores
- Monitors.
Thoughts :
- Seems i should shift my GRE exam date ...no prep for the exam done... Hope its not that costly.
Today's Progress :
- Operating Systems CS-162 course
- Starting Hacktobefest 2020!!
What I learned :
- Introduction to Sockets and Networking.
Thoughts :
- Wish i could meet my friends ...its really depressing here.
- Would be making the most out of this Hacktoberfest !
Today's Progress :
- CP-29 C2FO first coding round.
- C++ STL
What I learned :
- Revised Heaps.
Thoughts :
- Will try to complete Hacktoberfest to-do's by tomorrow...can't afford to miss such a sexy shirt.
- C2FO's test was really difficult... Its really getting difficult..Need to stay strong somehow.
Today's Progress :
- Operating Systems CS-162 course
- Hacktobefest 2020!!
What I learned :
- Added Heaps Project in Kuee Data Stuctures Repository.
Thoughts :
- 30 months !!! Wish we meet soon .. π
- Implementing Heaps is fun!
Today's Progress :
- Hacktobefest 2020!!
What I learned :
- Added Heaps Project in Kuee Data Stuctures Repository.
Thoughts :
- 30 months !!! Wish we meet soon .. π
- Implementing Heaps is fun!
Today's Progress :
- Hacktobefest 2020!!
- Converted Bheap implementation to a includable header file..
- Templatized Bheap.
- Added Exception Handling.
What I learned :
- Templates.
- Exception Handling.
Thoughts :
- MY FIRST C++ PROJECT! Thanks Kuee! for guiding me and helping so much!
- It gets real frustrating sometimes how much overhead Kuee demanded before he merged my branch with his master branch.... but i got to learn so many new things! Really happy!! Nothing good comes for free...
- But the most interesting part was Pair programming!No Doubts!
Today's Progress :
- C++ STL
What I learned :
- Revised Linked Lists ,Stacks and Queues.
Thoughts :
- Completed 6 Hacktoberfest PR'S (2 Bonus ..Had to do only 4).
- ZS process starts tomorrow...i have not applied for it obviously...But my friends have.... Wishing it doesn't turn out like Delloite.
Today's Progress :
- Operating Systems CS-162 course
What I learned :
- Scheduling - Types and Comparison.
Thoughts :
- 12 Hours round going on of ZS...Hope Ashish is able to crack this and proceed to next round.
- Scheduling be so easy and obvious...never thought so! Best thing about OS according to me is the fact that it gets so easily related to normal life!
- Banker's Algo... Too Much Milk....Its really fun!
Today's Progress :
- Nxp semiconductors first round.
- Revised Mutex and Semaphores.
Thoughts :
- A bad day....I really prepared hard for Nxp but....the test was all related to hardware and electronics....
- ZS process next round on 14th...waiting for results... wish my friends are more lucky then me.
Today's Progress :
- Cp-30 Nvidia 1ST round .
Thoughts :
- Good day...really a good one...The test went really well...Just hope i get selected for the second round.
- When will ZS results come!!!
Today's Progress :
- Operating Systems CS-162 course
What I learned :
- Revised Scheduling.
- Deadlock
Thoughts :
- Have completed a good amount of portion in OS.
- Hope my hard work pays off...really scared!
Today's Progress :
- Participated in CP-31 Educational Codeforces Round 96.
What I learned :
- BIT manipulation.
Thoughts :
- Rating decreased in Codeforces by 4, but had lots of fun...was able to hack solutions of 11 of the contestants..but realized later that i wasn't getting any points for it...SHIT!
Today's Progress :
- Operating Systems CS-162 course
What I learned :
- Revision of all topics learnt.
- Basics of Cache and Paging.
Thoughts :
- Neither ZS nor Nvidia results announced yet!
- Lots of tension and stress.
- GRE exam postponed to Nov 6,2020.
Today's Progress :
- Leetcode Problem Practise.
What I learned :
- Solved LRU Cache
- Solved Interleaving String - using Recursion with memoization.
Thoughts :
- Got selected for Nvidia inteviews .. Hurray!! 6 students from CS batch also have made it to the interviews with me. Will try my best to not lose this oppurtunity.
Today's Progress :
- Leetcode Problem Practise.
What I learned :
- Revised old problems done on Leetcode by me.
Thoughts :
- Hope more companies come soon ...i don't want to be the only one who remains unemployed..
Today's Progress :
- Leetcode Problem Practise.
What I learned :
- Solved Interleaving String using DP and 2-D array.
- Solved Interleaving String using DP and 1-D array.
- Solved Two sum.
- Solved Climbing Stairs.
- Solved Sum of Two Integers.
Thoughts :
- Societe General finally came back...Test scheduled on 17th along with my NVIDIA interviews ..Hope they don't clash together.
Today's Progress :
- Leetcode Problem Practise.
What I learned :
- Solved Add Strings.
- Solved Reverse Linked List.
- Solved Trapping Rain Waterusing DP.
- Solved Trapping Rain Waterusing 2 pointers.
Thoughts :
- Nvidia interview postponed to next week.
- Hope i am able to make it into Societe General 2nd round.
Today's Progress :
- Cp-32 Soc Gen first round
- CP-33 Codeforces Raif Round 1 .
Thoughts :
- A bad day... the test really went bad, like very bad...was not able to solve even basic apti problems.
- When will my day come....only NVIDIA left now.
- Although CP-33 Codeforces Raif Round 1 went well...
Today's Progress :
- Cp-34 Google Kickstart Round G 2020
- Operating systems revision
What I learned :
- Revised OS concepts like address space,threads,process,PCB,TLB..etc.
Thoughts :
- When will they give the date for NVIDIA interview...
- Should revise STL before the interviews!
Today's Progress :
- C++STL
What I learned :
- Revisd Trees.
- Revised Binary Search Tree.
- Revised Heaps.
- Revised Graphs.
- Revised Hash Maps.
Thoughts :
- Hope Nvidia doesn't run away like other companies.. π€£
- Need to revise algorithms too.
Today's Progress :
- C++STL and Algorithms.
- Participated in CP-34 Codeforces Round #677
What I learned :
- Revised BFS and DFS.
- Revised Bellmans Ford Algorithm.
- Revised Dijakstra's Algorithm.
- Revised Floyd Warshall ALgorithm.
- Revised Kadane's and Floyd's Cycle Algorithm.
Thoughts :
- Although CP-34 Codeforces Round #677 was not able to increase my rank as much as i wanted because of silly errors in a problem solution which caused lots of penalty.
- On the bright side..I was able to hack a solution for which i recieved 100 points! Hurray!
Today's Progress :
- C++STL and Algorithms.
- Operating Systems
What I learned :
- Revised almost everything I have learned so far.
Thoughts :
- Tomorrow is my Nvidia interview. Wish me luck!
Today's Progress :
- Operating Systems.
- Data Stuctures and Algorithms.
- Nvidia interview.
What I learned :
- Revised everything again.
- Revised sorting algorithms.
- Understood basics of Demand paging ,reentrant code and other important concepts.
Thoughts :
- HURRAY!! Finally i got selected in something... NVIDIA... 6 months internship. My hard work paid off... Feeling so relaxed... πππ
- Am so grateful to have so good friends ...really lucky to have you all Kuee, Piyush and Ashish
- Can never thank you enough Kuee, without you it really was not possible.
- Hope I am able to secure an FTE too soon....I really really want to.
- Taking a break to prepare for my GRE exam.
- Will be back after November 6th.
- Wish me luck.
- Will surely start another project after November 6th. Projects are fun if not done alone!
- Missing making commits on this log! π
- Just wanted to update that I managed to get the GOOGLE FOOBAR CHALLENGE.
- Have not started it yet but as soon as I do I will tell you all about it.
- Will be back soon.
Today's Progress :
- Setting up my Ubuntu for coding!
- Data Stuctures and Algorithms (Python)
- Revision
What I learned :
- Solved Happy Number
- Solved Single Number
Thoughts :
- Sorry for being soooooooooooo late!
- Joined Arizona State University for doing my Master's in Computer Science! Was busy in giving exams (GRE and TOEFL) and filling up applications for colleges.
Today's Progress :
- Data Stuctures and Algorithms (Python)
- Revision
What I learned :
- Solved Maximum Subarray .
- Solved Move Zeroes
Thoughts :
- Would be starting my on campus job soon. Hope I am able to continue this even after that!
- Went to the Sun Devil Stadium to watch ASU vs Southern Utah match! ASU won!!
- Really tired. Won't be able to code today! π
Today's Progress :
- Python Revision
What I learned :
- numpy library.
- numpy.reshape
- numpy.swapaxes
- numpy.arange
- And many more..
Thoughts :
- Already got projects in two of my three subjects this semester!
- Won't be able to post details of the project here as its classified!
- Went to the Ikea to get my bed frame and stuff.
- Had to assemble the whole bed myself! Hands paining like anything.
- Only able to read stuff..No coding again today. SHIT!
Today's Progress :
- Python Revision
What I learned :
- Solved Slicing 2d array into smaller 2d arrays.
- Cube root in Python 3.0 for negative numbers might generate errors if done using pow function.
Thoughts :
- Reading about Color moments and Extended Local Binary Patterns for my project!
- Need to brush up a lot of stuff!
Today's Progress :
- Python Revision
- College Project Phase 1
What I learned :
- Extracting color moment features for images.
Thoughts :
- Project Phase 1 submission on Thursday next week! Scared!
- First day of my on campus job at USA! Got lots of free food! But really drained me out :-(
Today's Progress :
- Python Revision
- College Project Phase 1
What I learned :
- Extracting local binary pattern features for images.
Thoughts :
- Wake up -> Read Research paper -> Code -> Sleep.
Today's Progress :
- Python Revision
- College Project Phase 1
What I learned :
- Histogram of Oriented Gradients!
Thoughts :
- Only 4 hour shift of my on campus job on Thursday's. Relatively chill.
Today's Progress :
- Python Revision
- College Project Phase 1
What I learned :
- Extracting HOG features from images.
Thoughts :
- Project submission next Thursday!!
Today's Progress :
- Python Revision
- College Project Phase 1
What I learned :
- Different types of Distance Functions.
Manhattan Distance.
Euclidean Distance.
Cosine Similarity.
Thoughts :
- So many features! So many distance measures! Confused!
Today's Progress :
- Python Revision
- College Project Phase 1
What I learned :
- Different types of Distance Functions.
Minkowski Distance.
K-L Divergence.
Chi-Squared Distance.
Thoughts :
- More and more distances..
Today's Progress :
- Python Revision
- College Project Phase 1
What I learned :
- Finding similar images using image features and distance functions!
Thoughts :
- I need an Anti-Bug Spray!
- JupyterLab vs Jupyter Notebook?
Today's Progress :
- Python Revision
- College Project Phase 1
Thoughts :
- 2 days left!
Today's Progress :
- Python Revision
- College Project Phase 1
What I learned :
- Z score
Thoughts :
- Only Euclidean distance seams to be giving good results. NO idea why...
- 1 day left.
Today's Progress :
- Python Revision
- College Project Phase 1
Thoughts :
- Submitted my project.
- Learned a lot of new things! Hurray!
Today's Progress :
- CSE 535 Mobile Computing Project
What I learned :
- Android App UI
Thoughts :
- Back to developing Mobile Apps!
Today's Progress :
- CSE 535 Mobile Computing Project
What I learned :
- setOnClickListener()
- Intent
- Toast
Thoughts :
- Front page made for my COVIprotect app.
Today's Progress :
- CSE 535 Mobile Computing Project
What I learned :
- Rating Bar.
- Spinner
Thoughts :
- Symptoms Logging Activity page made for my COVIprotect app.
Today's Progress :
- CSE 535 Mobile Computing Project
What I learned :
- android.database.Cursor;
- android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
- android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException;
- android.os.Environment
- android.util.Log
Thoughts :
- Working on Database Handler to store the data in a SQL database.
Today's Progress :
- CSE 535 Mobile Computing Project
What I learned :
- opencv.videoio.VideoCapture
- org.opencv.core.Core
- org.opencv.core.Mat
Thoughts :
- Integrating Camera Activity to for Heart Rate measurement.
Today's Progress :
- CSE 535 Mobile Computing Project
Thoughts :
- Writing Algorithms (Simple Moving Average, Count Zero Threshold, etc.) useful for measuring Heart Rate from frames of video.
Today's Progress :
- CSE 535 Mobile Computing Project
What I learned :
- android.hardware.Sensor
- android.app.Service
Thoughts :
- Measuring Respiratory Rate using mobile sensors.
- What am I even doing? And How Am I doing?
Today's Progress :
- CSE 535 Mobile Computing Project
What I learned :
- Converting video to different formats using Java libraries.
Thoughts :
- Heart Rate Activity is all thats left.
- Integrated different parts of code today. The result -> BUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
Today's Progress :
- CSE 535 Mobile Computing Project
Thoughts :
- Fixed bugs all day.
- App not running ..Submission Tomorrow. :-(
Today's Progress :
- CSE 535 Mobile Computing Project
What I learned :
- One should not wait for the last moment to submit the project.
Thoughts :
- Was able to run the app successfully.
- Changed my app name from Health-Checker to COVIprotect 30 mins before submission and the app crashed due to conflict in folder paths.
- Gradle files got corrupted and was not able to sync no matter how many times I tried.
- Had my app functioning video ready but was not able to submit the .apk file as I was not able to even build my code.
- Submitted my project without the .apk file and that too 10 mins late.... Wish I had not waited for the last minute.
- Taking Break. Last few days have been really hectic.
- Really tired today. 6 hours job really strains me out.
Progress :
- CSE 515 PHase 2 - Phase 3
What I learned :
- Personalised Pagerank
- Latent Semantics
- Classifiers
- Decision Trees
- PPR based
- LSH (Locality- Sensitive Hashing)
- VA Files
Thoughts :
- Was really busy and so was not able to log in my progress.
- But I did code almost everyday and completed a project too in the last two months.
- End sems are over now for Sem 1 and I will be starting a new repo to log in my progress during the holidays.
- Thank you everyone !