This repository is dedicated to the NodeJS version of the GERTe Gateway
For more information on GERTe or its gateways see the main repository.
Simply install the npm package (npm i gerte
or other methods) and require
The API provided by this package has two parts: Config and Connection.
The API can read configuration files often distributed with GERTe gateways via the Config
function exported by the main file.
To read a configuration file, simply pass the filename into the Config
function which will then attempt to synchronously read the file and return an array of "peers" it finds within the file.
The peer objects have three values: ip
, gport
, and pport
. For the purposes of this API, only ip
and gport
are needed.
The main file exports a class called Connection
which, when constructed, connects to and negotiates with the selected GEDS server.
To construct a Connection
call new Connection(port, ip)
where port
is a number and ip
is a string.
The Connection
class has the following events: error, connected, status, registered, data, and close. Socket errors beyond ECONNRESET
will be emitted by the Connection
class as well.
Most applications will only require the registered and data events, with close and error for safety. connected, and status are not required as the internal implementation will use them.
This documentation assumes you already have an address from the GERT maintainers.
In order to register an address, call Connection.register(address, key)
where address is a string with a valid GERTe dot format address and key is a valid 20-byte string.
If the gateway has not finished negotiating the registration will be deferred until the negotiation is complete.
Once registration is complete, the Connection
object will emit a registered event with the address as an argument.
The current address as known by the gateway can be retrieved from Connection.address
Note: This address can be either an empty string if no known address is registered, unknown
if the address is unknown due to a reported error, or a GERTe dot format address.
Reminder: Sending and receiving data requires being registered
Prior to sending data, ensure the registered event has been thrown
To send data call Connector.send(tgt, src, data)
where tgt is a dot-colon format GERTc address, src is a dot format GERTi address, and data is either a string or a buffer.
Data cannot exceed 255 bytes excluding headers
The function will return a promise. The promise will be resolved on a positive response from GEDS or rejected with the error message on a negative response from GEDS.
Reminder: Sending and receiving data requires being registered
When the API receives data from GEDS it will be parsed into an object and emitted in a data event.
The data object has three values: source
, target
, data
The source address is a GERTc dot-colon format address from which the message was sent, the target address is a GERTc dot-colon format address to which the message is addressed, and data is a buffer of the data received.
Whilst NodeJS and GEDS should be able to handle practically any form of closure, a safe way to ensure the address is freed is to call Connection.close()
and await the close event.
Calling Connection.close()
immediately sends a close request to GEDS and shutdowns the writing functionality of the connection. The close event will be thrown once GEDS responds to the request.
The project is currently listed as UNLICENSED
otherwise known as "all rights reserved."
This has more to do with a rush to publish and less to do with restrictions on modifications. General rule: play nice.
Give credit where credit is due, be willing to submit your changes to this repository, do not "steal" outside reasonable redistribution, etc.
Officially all rights are reserved but if you play nice there is no reason to worry.