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Model download

Tadas Baltrusaitis edited this page Sep 30, 2018 · 4 revisions

OpenFace comes pre-packaged with most models required to run it. However, due to github file size restrictions it does not include the patch expert files required for the CE-CLM algorithm.

Automatic download

In order to download them to be used in the C++ executables you can use the two provided scripts:

  • download_models.ps1 (PowerShell script for Windows)
  • (bash script for Ubuntu and Mac OS X)

The above scripts will download the models required to run the C++ code. For Matlab models you will need to use the manual approach

Manual download

To download the C++ and matlab models go to -

The C++ models have the .dat extension and should be place in the lib\local\LandmarkDetector\model\patch_experts folder if you are compiling form code, and in the model\patch_experts folder if you have downloaded the binaries.

The Matlab models have the .mat extension and should be placed in the .\matlab_version\models\cen folder

Alternatively, if you cannot access Dropbox, you can find C++ patch experts here (you will need to download all four .dat files):


Google drive:

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