A munin plugin to monitor the amount of Jupyter notebooks on your Linux sever.
This python script is a Munin plugin for monitoring the Jupyter notebooks.
jupyter-munin shows you the amount of Jupyter notebooks and the number of running Jupyter notebooks on your server
Pre-requesites for the plugin is the Requests library. To install it
$ pip install requests
Copy all the scripts to =/usr/share/munin/plugins
Create symbolic links to /etc/munin/plugins.
Create entry in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node:
Restart the munin-node daemon: /etc/init.d/munin-node restart.
[juypter_*] env.juypter_url <url_to_your_juypter_api_endpoint>
Done. You should now start to see the charts on the Munin pages.