This is my original operating system running on x64 architecture.
We assume you are in an environment where you can use Docker.
We call this environment the host.
In the host, clone and enter this repository.
And make environment
to build and enter the development environment.
/somewhere/in/the/host $ git clone
/somewhere/in/the/host $ cd HeliOS
/somewhere/in/the/host/HeliOS $ make environment
~/HeliOS #
Now you are in the development environment!
On the development environment, make run
to run HeliOS on QEMU.
~/HeliOS # make run
This command divides terminal screen left and right by tmux.
The left screen shows a log from COM2 of the QEMU.
The right screen is a terminal of the development environment.
Press Ctrl+t
and press h
to move from the right screen to the left screen.
Also, press Ctrl+t
and press l
to move from the left screen to the right screen.
And Connect from a VNC client on the host to localhost:5900
according to RFB protocol to operate HeliOS.
Move to the right screen and make stop
to stop HeliOS on QEMU.
~/HeliOS # make stop
On the development environment, make debug
to debug HeliOS on QEMU by GDB.
~/HeliOS # make debug
This command divides terminal screen left and right by tmux.
The left screen shows a log from COM2 of the QEMU.
The right screen is a GDB terminal attaching QEMU.
Press Ctrl+t
and press h
to move from the right screen to the left screen.
Also, press Ctrl+t
and press l
to move from the left screen to the right screen.
And Connect from a VNC client on the host to localhost:5900
according to RFB protocol to operate HeliOS.
When you finish debugging HeliOS, move to right screen, quit
GDB and make stop
(gdb) quit
~/HeliOS # make stop
the development environment and make tree
on the host to generate helios.mnt
, the HeliOS directory tree.
And copy the generated directory to your storage device.
~/HeliOS # exit
/somewhere/in/the/host/HeliOS $ make tree
/somewhere/in/the/host/HeliOS $ cp -r helios.mnt /your/storage/device/
Then, eject the storage device and connect it to a physical machine. Next, configure BIOS settings of the physical machine to boot up from the storage device according to UEFI. Finally, reboot the physical machine.
To get development permission, you need to prepare below.
- A SSH key to push to this repository.
- A
directory to verify your commits.
And make permission
like below.
~/HeliOS # exit
/somewhere/Helios $ make permission GITHUB=/path/to/ssh/key GITGPG=/path/to/.gnupg
Your GitHub user name: Someone
Your Github email address:
/somewhere/HeliOS $
Now you have development permission!