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Talaikis Ltd.

AWS S3 JSON Database

This is simple, AWS S3 table-level Node.js JSON database, which we often use in some projects if we want to save on "normal" database deployments.


# system preparation:
npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
amplify configure

# project:
npm i -S @talaikis/s3-db
amplify init
amplify add storage
amplify push

After these operations you will have aws-exports.js configuration file, which you will be able to use for this library init()

Example aws-exports.js

    "aws_project_region": "us-east-1",
    "aws_cognito_identity_pool_id": "us-east-1:XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX",
    "aws_cognito_region": "us-east-1",
    "aws_user_pools_id": "us-east-XXX",
    "aws_user_pools_web_client_id": "XXX",
    "oauth": {},
    "aws_user_files_s3_bucket": "s3-XXX-default",
    "aws_user_files_s3_bucket_region": "us-east-1"


All functions need baseDir, where the database is stored. For example: join(__dirname, '.data').

Create item in a table

import { init, create } from '@talaikis/s3-db'
init(awsexports, 'private')
await create(table, itemName, jsonData).catch((e) => ...)

Read item from the table

import { read } from '@talaikis/s3-db'
const jsonData = await read(table, itemName).catch((e) => ...)

Update the item in a table

import { update } from '@talaikis/s3-db'
await update(table, itemName, newJsonData).catch((e) => ...)

Delete item from the table

import { destroy } from '@talaikis/s3-db'
await destroy(table, itemName).catch((e) => ...)

List table items

import { list } from '@talaikis/s3-db'
await list(table).catch((e) => ...)

Delete table (@TODO!)

import { destroyTable } from '@talaikis/s3-db'
await destroyTable(table).catch((e) => ...)


  • list tables
  • delete table
  • row level ops (?)
  • fix list items mock test


amplify init
amplify add storage
amplify push
amplify mock storage

# other terminal window:
npm run test
