A simple web service, written in Python. Basically it reads this web page (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/) parse it and shares the information as a web service.
This software is free, do whatever you want with it. I'm not responsable for anything :)
No further documentation is planned, sorry.
The project is somehow tiny.
An active service will run until the crisis ends at:
curl http://robot.tangerino.me:26666/covid/france/
The service will return a JSON payload like this
"status": "ok",
"covid": {
"country": "france",
"total_cases": 14459,
"new_cases": 0,
"total_deaths": 562,
"new_deaths": 0,
"total_recovered": 1587,
"active_cases": 12310,
"serious_critical": 1525