Default Domino Pieces that comes pre-installed in every Domino workspace:
- CustomPythonPiece - A Piece that executes a user-defined Python function.
- GetDateTimePiece - A Piece that returns the current date and time.
- GetItemFromArrayPiece - A Piece that returns an item from an array.
- HttpRequestPiece - A Piece that makes an HTTP request to a given URL.
- LogPiece - A simple logging Piece.
- LoremIpsumPiece - A Piece that returns a random Lorem Ipsum text.
- PageScrapperPiece - A Piece that scrapes text from a web page, given a URL and a list of HTML tags.
- SleepPiece - A Piece that sleeps for a given number of seconds.
- ToStringPiece - A Piece that converts any input to string.
- StringOperationsPiece - A Piece that performs string operations.
- StringConditionChecksPiece - A Piece that checks conditions on a string.